推薦 你還在為扁蟲和紅火蟻而煩惱嗎

知識分享、產品諮詢 LINE ID:@algae


兩個多月前小弟整缸滿滿的扁蟲(是對sps殺傷力最大的那種),大的約小指甲,小的約米粒,幾乎每顆都中,sps的基部全是扁蟲蛋,縮毛 退色 破皮....嚴重甚至死亡,當初試過無數化學藥劑,抱著不成功就撤缸的心態,終於找到最好的殺扁蟲藥,就是KCl,讓扁蟲因鉀離子中毒而死,氯化鉀比市面上任何扁蟲藥更好用更便宜(先跟所有有賣扁蟲藥的贊助商say sorry),臭酸曾叫我分享此文章,因為前一陣子釣魚沒空,一直拖到現在才分享:em01:





一般小甲殼類在600PPM已經中毒,較嬌弱的清潔蝦 共生蝦蟹 機械蝦...等會慢慢死亡,若是你的魚缸這類生物莫名其妙的死,即表示鉀離子已過高,一般藍腳寄居蟹和小螃蟹可耐受至700PPM,槍蝦則更高!以我下藥經驗,兩次下藥讓總水體鉀離子超過1500PPM,浸泡30分鐘的結果,扁跳蝦 小槍蝦 剛毛蟲幾近全死,當初以為連槍蝦都殺的一乾二淨,結果還有兩隻較大的槍蝦倖存,如果將浸泡時間拉長,或許可以一並解決槍蝦的問題! 至於魚類對鉀離子的耐受度一般也在600~700PPM,700PPM的鉀離子足以讓缸中的魚全數死亡(只是時間長短罷了),曾經在主缸一瞬間下至700PPM鉀離子,結果眼見黃三角和藍面立刻心臟麻痺休克,隨即撈起放入正常海水沖,所幸都有救活,生物對鉀離子耐受度不一,並沒有辦法對每一種生物去做耐受度實驗,故在我們下藥之前,要儘可能將所有生物撈起(包括 魚 蝦 寄居蟹 食藻螺 湯皮參 海膽.....)才不會因為下藥後大量生物死忙,造成硝化系統的負擔


即便你將生物抓了再乾淨,下藥後活石中其實有很多生物死亡,瞬間大量有機鹽類增加,爆藻是必然的!來個100~200隻寄居蟹配合幾隻倒吊,再加上勤換慮綿和吸附劑,相信各為sps高手控制鹽類的能力都很好,這個不是問題,在此不再多說! sps因為鹽類波動而走下波約2~3週,隨著鹽類穩定降低後會慢慢的回色





About 2 months ago my reef tank had an outbreak of flatworms (the one’s that is lethal to SPS). Some of the flatworms are the size of pinky nails, and some as small as rice grains. They have covered on almost all SPS in the tank. Flatworm eggs litters over the base of SPS. Tentacles retracted, colors faded, tissues bloated, and some died eventually. I have tried many chemicals, every time thinking this is the last resort, and finally I found the best solution to this problem, that is Potassium Chloride, killing flatworms by potassium poisoning. KCl is cheaper than any other medication on the market (…….and apologies to all flatworm medication makers………).

I have shared this to many aquarists in my area, and including myself, have successfully rid flatworm outbreaks, and fatality of SPS is extremely low. In many cases, the treatment yields no fatality of SPS at all.

Below is my guideline for potassium dosing, and this is useful as coral dip, as well as to be used to treat entire tank for the red bugs, flatworms and pistol shrimps.

1. As the dip (Dosage for killing red bugs and flatworms)
Mix 1 McDonald soup-spoon of KCl to one liter of seawater (need not be exact). Mix well and let dissolve. Dip the SPS or LPS in the solution for 20~30 minutes. Flatworms will die and float away from the coral. You should swirl the coral in the KCl solution to help dislodging those more stubborn ones. After the treatment, place the coral back to the tank. Please remove any crustaceans that you wish to keep before this procedure, eg. symbiotic crabs.

After treatment, healthy SPS should extend the tentacles within an hour. It is normal to observe excess mucous on the SPS, in rare cases, slight color fading. This indicates the SPS is still in good health which responds immediately to changes. However if the SPS RTN severely, it is indication that the SPS is already very weak.

2. To treat entire tank for red bugs and flatworms
Maintank dosing is best done with 3 treatments. 15 days apart between each treatment. I did only 2 treatments last time. In another word, second treatment administered 15 days after the first. This is to ensure flatworm larvae are all killed. To administer, you must acknowledge below:
a. Potassium tolerance differences
Small crustaceans generally does not tolerate more than 600ppm of potassium. At this level, the more delicate cleaner shrimp, symbiotic shrimps, camel shrimps…etc. will die slowly. If not treating your tank and you still noticed crustaceans slowly die in your tank, chances are your tank potassium level is too high. Some hermit and small hitchhiker crabs could tolerate up to 700ppm of potassium, and pistol shrimps can go higher.

I have done 2 dips at level exceeds 1500ppm. Each for 30 minutes dip at this level, amphipod, small pistol shrimps, and fireworm have all died. Just when I think I have killed all pistol shrimps too, 2 larger pistols were later discovered survived. The 2 larger pistols could have been killed, maybe, if I have dipped longer.

Fish also have limited tolerance of potassium at 600~700ppm. At 700ppm, this level is enough to kill most of the fish in the tank, or just a matter of time. There were one case where the Pomacanthus xanthometopon and Zebrasoma flavescens goes straight into shocks when I suddenly raised the main tank potassium level to 700ppm. I immediately put both into clean seawater and luckily they both survived. Every organism’s tolerance of potassium level is different, and it is difficult as hobbyist to test each specie for their tolerance level. Thus we should always net out all non-coral organisms out of the tank prior to the tank treatment.

b. Dosage
Those that supplement potassium to the tank usually tried to maintain it at 400~500ppm. Knowing you should already have this level present in the tank, we must include them into our final concentration. For these tanks, adding 1kg of KCL per 500 liter of seawater (raising 1000ppm) would make the total concentration to 1500ppm (original 500ppm + added 1000ppm).

Those tanks that do not regularly dose potassium, I would recommend to add 1.25kg of KCl per each 500 liter of seawater, which also brings the potassium level of the tank to 1500ppm.

It is important that you should always totally dissolve KCl outside of the tank, and pour the dissolved mixture to mix with the tank. KCl powder may not dissolve completely if you simply pour the powder into the tank.

Water flow need not be turned off after dosing. The water flow actually helps dislodging the flatworm from the surfaces. Dosing should take 30 minutes (you can now sit back, and enjoy the flatworms floating up to heaven). Afterwards, drain treated water out of the system as much as possible, and replace with fresh new seawater.

c. After dosing,
Even if you think you have removed all non-coral organisms out of the tank before dosing, chances are that there will be many more still left in the tank, and have died during this process. Nutrient explosion and algae bloom usually follows immediately. Biological means of nutrient removal (hermits, herbivores) in combination with vigorous mechanical filtration are highly recommended after dosing. Most SPS experts are veterans at nutrient control and should be capable of handling this situation. SPS coloration may shifts due to availability of excess nutrient, but should return back to normal in a few weeks.

d. KCl effectiveness on flatworm eggs.
It is my personal opinion that high level of potassium should be able to kill flatworm eggs. My last experience is that after the first treatment, and second treatment follows after 15 days. Sure enough, there are still flatworms died on the second treatment, but all are less than 1mm in length, and no more than 10 of them. It is apparent that most eggs were killed in the first treatment due to high level of potassium. To be safe, I should administer a third treatment, but I was lazy, and flatworms were no where to be found after second treatment anyway.
好文章. 養硬骨的一大福音.趕緊收藏

明天要跑一趟化工... 不是
週遭的都已經下完了 只剩下我..........光要把魚撈完再下藥 我看倒缸還比較快

一大堆人都要幫我 不過把活石搬出來 魚抓一抓 然後活時再進去 再下藥

好文章. 養硬骨的一大福音.趕緊收藏

明天要跑一趟化工... 不是
週遭的都已經下完了 只剩下我..........光要把魚撈完再下藥 我看倒缸還比較快

一大堆人都要幫我 不過把活石搬出來 魚抓一抓 然後活時再進去 再下藥

小弟也是 syj 兄氯化鉀除蟲法受惠者之一,
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