
line id : andlers 電話:0921221200
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    Hi Fridayrush , do you know where I can find " GRO TECH " dosing pump Thank you.
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    Thank you very much.
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    個位大大: 請問紅線蝦虎的英文名字因為住美國有時魚和中文名字對不在一起謝謝大家
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    昨日買一隻神仙電影尼摩在牙醫那隻大哥魚請問如何餵食及絢餌及其他注意事項thank you
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    [求助] KH 太低如何是好

    各位大大我主缸kh6-7 ph8.3有用鈣反 一分鍾15個泡泡 出水ph7.1 kh30 ,但市主缸無法得到穩定kh,停鈣反用kh 提昇計可到11-12,水量700請各位幫幫忙如何是好 THANK YOU.
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    you lucky 1000 NT$ =30 us$, you know in LA rose anemones each one 3"-5" around 150us$=4800NT$ can you imagine? sometime I think if Ibuy air ticket going back Taiwan and get it maybe I can save money. ha ha ha .... I crazy
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    HI Nando my name is steven I live in Irvine My computer do not have chinese sys,so Ican not type ,but I speaking chinese ,if you do not mind you can contact me at this # 949-6359988 mabe we can share some info
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    [求助]kaikwasser and ca reactor can use same time ?

    Hi everyone ,I have a question , because my ph at daytime 8.1 , at nighttime 8.0 ,I live L.A. here fish store told me ph better keep on8.3 to 8.4 right now I use kalkwasser (KENT) ph.go to 8.3 now nighttime , before I test CA was over 600 .I know range 400 -450 .right now ca is around 500 ...
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    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different?

    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different? Thank you Mr.MaxHsu for your help. and everyone give me ans . If someone do mine can leave phone number I can make direct contact. Thank you so much again.
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    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different?

    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different? forget to tell you I speak CHINESE because my keybord can noy type chinese sorry
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    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different?

    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different? if you do not mind give me your phone nunber I call you.
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    [求助] (無內容)

    you guys can give me a hand please .help help these couple I can not sleep well you know in USA evering about aqua product if you want get RIGHT FROM START they gont kill you .I already spent 7940.US$ Ijust do not want becom to a foolish.
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    [求助about RO water&drinking water has any different?

    I living inL.A I am freshmen whenI asked store about RO and drinking water has any differen there say salt water need purewater to made .but bouth water gothrough filter. even my house use 5 stage filter to made drinking still not pure enough I confuse , Please give me a hand . Thank you so...
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