
20年專業海水缸 淡水缸設計 海水魚 珊瑚
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  1. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    喊了好久的「狼來了」,狼,真的來了!哈哈... Two versions: 1. COR 15 Max Flow: 1,500 gph 2. COR 20 Max Flow: 2,000 gph ========================================================= (圖取自 Neptune Facebook)
  2. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    +1, well informed. Programming and setting up with the DOS. If tests lower than the targeted range then tells DOS to add solution.
  3. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Terence 在REEEF2REEF“Trident FAQ”有詳細說明如下... How does it work? The Trident basically automates the proven method that you (and scientists) already know and use - Titration. Since the Trident uses micro-drops delivered via a stepper-motor driven peristaltic pump along with an electric eye, we...
  4. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

  5. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    The Good news is... Announced at the thier meetup, Neptune has developed the Trident System to test and monitor KH, CA and MG in one unit. It is expected to release in the middle of next year (2018) with a retail price tag between $500 and $600. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqJcoyCn4yk...
  6. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/focustronic-kh-monitor-and-auto-doser-by-jonas-roman.304143/page-8 這是 FOCUSTRONIC - KH Monitor and Auto Doser by Jonas Roma 在 REEF2REEF 的 thread。 東西都還沒有開賣,就有人來踢館、鬧場,充滿火藥味... 有興趣的人,不妨上去看看... 就如 FOCUSTRONIC 所說的『THE MARKET IS HUGE AND ONLY THE BETTER PRODUCT...
  7. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Hahaha... Competition leads to progress and innovation. Thanks for you chiming in.
  8. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Counting down the hours to 2017 MACNA New Orleans! So looking forward to seeing more Auto KH controllers on the market. ===================================================== Alkatronic by Focustronic (圖取自以下連結) Click the links below for more details...
  9. coral101

    Balling method - AquaForest AF 簡介

    兩家波蘭公司(AF & PS)的產品完美組合~~~ (圖取自 Aquaforest Group Mike Klimov 的貼文) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1490485151247025/permalink/1705547353074136/ https://www.ph84.idv.tw/vbb/showpost.php?p=3393654&postcount=78
  10. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Mine are all LED, too (Kessil)...:em01::em01::em01:
  11. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    蠻贊同 OP的結論,大家可以參考一下... ...... If I was in the market for a light meter that I could take with me anywhere, use on multiple tanks, fit in small areas, share with friends, and easily pack up to take to the beach or out on a boat it would be the Apogee MQ510. If I wanted something that looked...
  12. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    +1, 雖然網路價都一樣。但有時候耐心等還是會有10- 20% OFF 的小確幸,如 BLACK FRIDAY 等等... 哈哈...,偶就是屬於很小氣那種,都嘛自己網購...:em15::em15::em15::em01::em01::em01:
  13. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    LED 應該不需要連結上 Apex... 不過,之前就已經提過 PMK 比較適用在 T5及 MH...,可以參考一下這篇裡的連結... http://www.ph84.idv.tw/vbb/showpost.php?p=3414986&postcount=252 話說...我的 PMK 老早已經束之高閣了...:em01::em01::em01:
  14. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Nice gears. Good deal.
  15. coral101


    硬體資訊還少Alkalinity controller...:em01::em01::em01:
  16. coral101

    Balling method - AquaForest AF 簡介

    Don't miss this interesting thread on R2R...HaHaHa https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/is-afix-glue-just-milliput-in-a-fancy-box.302827/
  17. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    承上篇 (http://www.ph84.idv.tw/vbb/showpost.php?p=3190184&postcount=47)... 看了 REEF2REEF 這篇有關 Apex PMK, Apogee MQ-510, Seneye Reef Monitor 的比較, 有使用 PMK或想買 PMK的,或許可以參考一下... https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/round-2-par-shootout-seneye-reef-monitor-v2-vs-apex-pmk-vs-apogee-mq-510-full.292681/ 看來...
  18. coral101

    Pacific sun也要出Alkalinity controller 了

    還有 GHL 的 KH Director... http://www.reef2reef.com/threads/kh-director.289907/ Apex 加油...:em01::em01::em01:
  19. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    呵呵...,愈晚入手Apex 真的是要花更多錢... (Classic Apex includes Display Module, even Apex Jr.) 不過,倒是可以省下這美金$99元...
  20. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    ・Flow monitoring (return pump, media reactors, RO/DI inputs, skimmer, etc..) ・Leak detection ・Water level detection ・Monitor and control flows to the system, in combination with 0-10v Controllable pumps. Check out their website for more info...
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