
KHG KH全自動監視控制器
台灣總代理 海洋夢水族館
  1. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    呵呵...,我還以為 Pre-order! "Smart Aquarium" 在國外已經蔚為風潮,"Controller" 這塊市場已經成為 "搶錢大作戰" 了! =================================================== Vertex Cerebra Prima Controller --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milwaukee Block Box DL125 Controller
  2. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    顧名思義,使用地方不同 (針對所擺放之位置而設計)... Solid Surface Probe: For use on all flat and solid surfaces like hardwood flooring. (木地板,磁 磚...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Low Profile Probe: For use on sliding under carpet. (地毯)
  3. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    有許多魚友來訊問一些控制器相關問題,內容包羅萬象,一言難以蔽之… 剛好最近 BRS Ryan 這幾集在介紹控制器,轉貼于此篇,大家有空不妨看看,相信會對控制器有更進一步的認識與了解。 =============================================== (請點擊圖片,開啟影片) 影片連結網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M9y0QPRqVw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls0ABH6JV-Y...
  4. coral101


    我用 ECOTECH MARINE (MP系列造流馬達製造商) 所出的珊瑚剪,覺得還不錯用...IMHO
  5. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    One of the best features in this new Energy Bar 832 is the power monitoring. To accomplish real-time power monitoring on eight outlets (or even more if you have more than one EB832) requires system resources, such as onboard memory and processing power, that is just not available in the...
  6. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

  7. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    呵呵...,偶是在拚 "台灣經濟",您是在拚 "美國經濟" 唄!:em04::em04::em04: Have a nice trip!!!
  8. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    哈哈...,沒錯。此時此刻正在美國 " 拚 經 濟 "!:em15::em15::em15: Even with new Apex, if you want to control Radions and Vortech pumps you will still need to buy the WXM module. PS: PM on your way...
  9. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    提供各種 Apex options給大家比較一下: ・ 以上圖表摘自 Bulk Reef Supply。 網址連結...https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/new-apex-controller-system-neptune-systems.html ・ 以上為美國當地售價 (抱歉, 不知道國內售價)。 依據個人預算、需求,選擇適合自己的套餐。 如果預算有限,只想試試看,玩玩看,那就買 Jr. 即可,將來也是可以升級… 如果不想將來不斷升級、擴充配備,花更多錢,那就一次到位,買 Classic Apex。 如果銀彈充足的話,那就直上 New...
  10. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Hahaha..., I hear you.:em15::em15::em15: FAQ for Apex users about the New Apex and Classic Apex...FYR https://www.neptunesystems.com/faq-for-customers-about-the-next-generation-apex/
  11. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    Good point...
  12. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    新一代的 Apex 上市了!有興趣 Upgrade 的 Apex users 不妨參考看看... 官網介紹 https://www.neptunesystems.com/apex-2016/ 影片連結網址 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYIYYrpC4z0&feature=youtu.be
  13. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    哈哈…,老齊講話太直白,會傷人滴!:em15::em15::em15: 不過,我倒是很佩服他這股傻勁、這份執著… Thanks for your chiming in!
  14. coral101

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    呵呵...,這個老外比我還控制 "控"。不過,線材倒是有點亂...:em06::em06::em06::em01::em01::em01: (請點擊圖片,開啟影片) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFh5coAOGVQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCpnJizJp10
  15. coral101


    呵呵...,老齊說的對! 再說 Apex 價位也不是高不可攀,真的蠻值得投資的,少買一些硬骨錢就有了! http://www.marinedepot.com/Neptune_Systems_Apex_AquaController_System_with_Standard_Grade_pH_Probe_Multi_Item_Monitors_Controllers_for_Saltwater_Aquariums-Neptune_Systems-NS11087-FITEMOMI-vi.html
  16. coral101

    foreign friends club

    Couldn't agree with you more!!! :em01::em01::em01:
  17. coral101

    foreign friends club

    Cool, good luck!!!
  18. coral101

    foreign friends club

    Hi there, Have you read this thread @ RC? http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2526998 If not, check it out. Best Regards
  19. coral101

    foreign friends club

    Please check out the link below, bunches of various macroalgae for sale there. http://ph84.idv.tw/vbb/showthread.php?t=258085 Good luck mate!!!
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