1. (若對英文有恐懼請善用google translate)
This is a bacteria source that is used to colonize the zeolites, live rock and/or sand beds which help reduce nutrients. The biggest difference in my option about other carbon sourced systems such as a vodka or vodka/sugar/vinegar (VSV) is that they do not incorporate a bacteria source. It has been theorized that running a system that is totally reliant on ones own tank to produce the necessary bacteria can result in one bacteria completing against another bacteria. This competition can result in a mono-culture of bacteria which does not remove nutrients at all.
This is the carbon source; it smells like an Easter egg coloring kit (vinegar). I am sure it is some mixture of vinegar, sugar and/or something else but not sure exactly what. Initially, this was the carbon source I used in conjunction with Prodibio BioDigest and it worked very well.
ZeoStart helps in the reproduction of nitrifying bacteria which basically ‘eats’ phosphate and nitrate. Zeostart works in conjunction with zeobak (the food for the bacteria) and zeobak works in conjunction with the zeolites.
2. NO3
你這段應該是取自某人自己的觀察, 而並非瞭解碳源的功用. 建議您再做功課, Just type in "Vodka Reef Tank" in the googles, this should yield enough threads on it.
簡單的說, Organic carbon source is a limiting nutrient in normal reef environment. When you supply it (in form of Alchohol, Vodka, Sugar, or vinegar), heterotrophic bacteria (異營菌) will soon take advantage of the organic carbon. The main purpose of administering organic carbon to your tank is actually taking advantage of the rapid growth of bactria. When bacteria grow, it will also need nitrogen source (Ammonia, or nitrate) as well as phosphorous component (calcium phosphate, phosphate, or other phosphate compounds) as the make up of their cell structure. Which means as bacteria grow, your nitrate and phosphate will reduce in time. The bacteria can later be exported out of the system via skimmer or mechanical filtration.
所以你說缸中NO3降不下來就是因為碳源太多, 這個statement是不成立的
您又建議降NO3應該要加硝化菌. 但您如果仔細讀樓主的文章, 可以發現他現在是用Berlin System. 柏林系統本來就沒有沙層, 仙姑且不去討論沙層裡的厭氧菌能起到多少降NO3的作用, 就算是活石本身深層的孔縫也難有什麼降低NO3的效用. 要真的有, 那也不會一堆養SPS的人還需要添加碳源來控制NO3, PO4.
大多數的市售硝化菌都是針對好氧性的硝化菌, 而好氧性的最終產物是NO3. 因此您的建議添加硝化菌對樓主要降低NO3是沒有多大的幫助的
如果您需要, 也請善用google翻譯
To help you understand more on carbon dosing, you can read this article, which is much better than someone's reef journal: