Please tell me how to keep it. Thank you.
P pufferfish 🔰 註冊時間 2005/08/22 文章 34 按讚 5 經驗點數 1 金幣 50 2005/10/18 #1 Please tell me how to keep it. Thank you.
Q qoojerry 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2004/05/04 文章 4,161 按讚 10 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南新營 金幣 136 魚缸大小 6呎 系統類別 底部過濾 生物種類 公子*2 紅翅倒吊*1 地毯*3 綜合菇 2005/10/18 #2 U can keep it by a good aquarium system. No matter what kind of marine animals u wanna breed, to create a good system is neccesary. Without a good aquarium system, it's very difficult to breed any marine animal. Good luck!
U can keep it by a good aquarium system. No matter what kind of marine animals u wanna breed, to create a good system is neccesary. Without a good aquarium system, it's very difficult to breed any marine animal. Good luck!