


如果我想再加神仙在20g 約80公升在只有小花臉(6cm)和弧狸倒吊的缸裡, 有什麼神仙可與牠共養,大小一樣可以嗎?我想從阿拉伯或馬鞍或藍面或女王或籃環其中選擇(都約6~7cm),各位認為哪一種或哪幾種可行性較高?多於兩種神仙在缸裡是否比較不會打架?如果多於兩種,是否一次購得,同時入現有的隔離缸約10g一陣子,再入花臉缸(Hyposalinity的花臉缸即將慢慢回升至正常salinity)還是我的想法太誇張,缸子根本太小無法混養.我其實真耐不住性子,8月底即將回國,但現在手癢,想試試練習混養,我將會把混養好的神仙魚移至在我姊家的55g缸裡.對了,之前有前輩提過魚種相融性,是不是學名開頭一樣的就最好不要混養?很羨慕這裡有很多前輩成功的混養神仙,你們早以是我學習的對像.
對了,目前缸裡設備為一體上部過濾只放過濾棉拿掉wet/dry 轉輪,怕NO3累積太快,含雙管corallife50/50日光燈,約一寸細livesand,約20lb liverock,一個rio power head沖向liverock, 另一個powerhead接10W UVlight. and an air driven skimmer
to emperor:
IMO, keeping different species of Anglefish is not as difficult as you imagine , please add King anglefish and Asfur at later stages of your keeping because they are very aggressive to new fishes, especially for the similar size and color anglefish
Filtration in your tank is weak , but I think one or two more anglefish is not a problem.
Blueface, asfur, blue-ring, bluegirdle, and queen are beautiful and suitable to keep in same tank with junior emperor , if they fight occasionally, please just let them knowing each other , don't worry
I will choose Megestic Anglefish or Asfur Anglefish. They are not so aggressive to others when they r new members and they r all bigger than ur old fishes. they can get along with each other nice.
Just my opion : I do not think Asfur is too aggressive . (I had one abt 9-10 cm be4, and my new member - 5 cm orange-line anglefish fight with her....she is so wimpish....)
There is another thinking : we don't know the "personality" of each fish...one anglefish might bite invertebrate and the other same one might not (...well , just at that moment they did not bite , but we will never know what time she want to change her mind ).
Thank you for the advising
I think I will try to get a blueface and an Asfur angel at the end of this month. My emperor is really aggressive and constantly nipping on foxface, I believe some fighting may happen when new angel arrive, but NO PAIN NO GAIN, let's see what will happen!
Wish u good luck! And ur Emperor is not so big ,and it's a junior not an adult. So I think it's ok to add some other bigger and moderate anglefishes into the tank.
My Asfur 4" and blueface 6" has arrived last fri. (I order size 3"~4" but get bigger one). I put them with emperor2.5" together on Sun. At first asfur was really agressive chase all the fish around him, but few hours later blueface became the king in the tank, fight back with asfur and chase away emperor. Even I changed the tank decoration, blueface still chase around the asfur and a little bit on emperor. Now I separate the bluface and other fish in the same tank. Asfur has a little scratched wound and does not take any food, emperor is fine and act like a tame little baby, blueface eates everything like a pig. Emperor and asfur get along very well. Will separate them a few days help? I noticed that angel will fight if there is a good hiding place, if I take out all the rock will fighting still occur? If I add more angel can I reduce the fighting since there is no certain target for the mean one,or disaster will happen? BTW, I added a 10g sump for stronger filteration. Anyone has any good idea. Please help me.
IMO, The only way to go is seperate them each other, otherwise it is too dangerous to keep them in the same tank, as I mentioned before, Asfur is very aggressive , especially for the size about 15-20cm Asfur, they almostly fight all new commers.... I lose one aly yellow-bang and one blueface at that time.
Please isolate the aggressive one or the wound one immediatelly. I hope this will help
I have a Emperor and a Asfur in my 90 liters tank. The Asfur is so shame and is a little smaller than the Emperor. They stay well. Well, I think the order to put them into the tank and the size , color are very important. As so far, I did not have any fish died by fighting. Maybe I had a good luck ....
IMO, if u have another tank (ur sister's) , Just put the Emperor into that tank first. And then put the Asfur ... They might not fight in a bigger tank-->just guess...
我想神仙魚的混養是許多人都想嘗試的一件事。但往往都 望之怯步。
隔離的阿拉伯已開口,甚至吃薄片. 括傷的傷口也無發炎狀況,花臉和阿拉伯不曾打鬥,偶爾阿拉伯用嘴推離花臉,請教各位大大,這應不會有大礙吧?現在籃面可由隔離的塑膠板看見花臉和阿拉伯,等阿拉伯康復穩定後,不知拿開塑膠板會不會出事? 還是會大打出手? 希望牠們會和睦相處. 現在剛好學期結束,決定挑戰極限,再度尋找其它神仙給他敗下去,偶老爸要是知道偶留美專研的是fish而不是課業,肯定難過的,但說實再的,偶可盯在魚缸前3小時卻不肯多花3小時在偶的SAP Project上,這次敗了折何台幣約8大張,3週的假期哪也不好意思去了,好在有PH 8.4,可以跟各位大大專研專研了.
80升的缸塞三隻神仙 , 我是不會這麼做的啦, 即使系統建立的很好 , 魚兒也很和睦相處 , 但是若再加新魚 , 搞不好又有不均衡出現 , 又要再忙依次 , 我寧願以80升養個三四條小神仙來的好.
你是學EB的歐 , 要寫SAP 的報告歐...恭喜 , 以前也搞過這種...超累的..(不是像理工做實驗那種累法,而是要找很多很難拿到的資料,想一堆當初的設置的過程...bra bra..)
終就混養好之神仙 8月份會入my sister's 4尺缸,現在可說是牠們的穩定過度期,熟悉餵餌和人類, 偶若不先處裡好,偶姐是無法處裡的,但如果即使現在牠們和睦相處,若移至大缸,是否又會為爭地盤而打鬥? 還是已是老友,會共同安然的相處在4尺缸,這也是偶擔心的.
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