神仙魚 in reef tank?

  • 主題發起人 DrSnake
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KHG KH全自動監視控制器
台灣總代理 海洋夢水族館


dear all,
My reef tank have been finally setted up with around 10 kinds of soft coral and a big clam.
Water condition was stable too with undetectable NO2,3,4 and 500 Calcium. Ph 8.2.
I have been adding 2 cleaning shrimps, 2 clownfish and 2 Damselfish and 1 strawberry into the tank.
everything seems alright and I am planning to add one or two fishes into it.
I am thinking of angle fishes, but don't know which kind is better in reef tank.
I am some bright color one, any suggestions? thnaks
Dr Snake你好
我就是神仙和sps 混養的 " 神仙硬骨幫 "
請見 http://www.ph84.idv.tw/cgi-bin/board/topic.cgi?forum=15&topic=128&show=0
小型的神仙 可以 試看看
would they need a apacious tank? mine in only a 24inch tank
If you have tubeworms or star polyp; I suggest you not to put any angels in the tank. Otherwise, Flame, Coralbeauty, ect(Dwarf Angels) can(not always) be fine in a reef. My flame angel had ate all my tubeworms, stressed my featherduster 'till it pop, and also killed a open brain coral. Overall, angel isn't the best fish for reef tanks, although they are the best looking ones.
Good Luck,
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