基本上只有 Coral Vitalizer 和 ZeoBac 要放在冷藏...
有些東東冷藏會over kill
老王大概看了我的冰箱才這樣說....my fault....
Storage of ZeoBac & Coral Vitalizer
KZ recommend to keep both products in the temperature range of + 4 degree C to + 20 degree C which would be + 39.2 degreeF to + 68 degreeF.
This is for the actual version of ZeoBac with the label date 12/2007 or newer.
The older versions of ZeoBac need to be stored in the fridge.
其是是因為我個人不好經驗 讓我決定將
BAK CV SP Amino acid Food 7以及 Strat 3都冰到冰箱裡.....你沒有錯啦
你知道我要出國 所以很多東西都給他稀釋後用滴定滴
結果.........."生溝"發霉,尤其是amino acid都黑掉了 裡面還有一絲一絲的東西
所以我才決定 "冰起來"比較安心