可以在沒有魚的檢疫缸放16-45天,以打破白點和卵圓的生命週期(針對Free Swimmers和Tomonts階段)
//Isolate the coral/invert to a fishless environment (e.g. frag tank) for 16 days. Ich free swimmers (called theronts) can remain infective for only 48 hours; however velvet free swimmers (called dinospores) can use photosynthesis for energy and thus can survive for up to 15 days without finding a fish host to feed upon. In both cases, denying the pathogen a fish host is key to breaking its life cycle.
In most cases, 45 days worth of isolation (at 27C / 80.6F) will eliminate most threats. This includes Ich, velvet, brook, flukes, and bacterial infections. Therefore, 45 days worth of isolation in a fishless environment is also the safest time frame to QT all corals/inverts. However, there are always exceptions to every rule.
By humble fish //