Super DIY Project of a 450g Stand, Also ETSS 2400 pic

  • 主題發起人 Andrew
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NBL 潘朵拉菌、希瓦氏菌、Goretos高爾多斯系列飼料、Lucia 露西亞珊瑚飼料
經銷、販售 聯繫電話:886-7-7930233


A buddy has completed his DIY project of his 450g reef. Please see the thread:
Check out the ETSS 2400 skimmer he's got. Wow, that is a big boy!!!!!
[這個帖子最後由jackliu在 2002/10/28 09:05am 編輯]

All the return water actually are pumped from the basement. Anyway, it is a super DIY project. Right???
I am sorry about my prior recommendation on the pump for the wave maker, I wasn't aware that Taiwan do not have Maxijet pumps. Take care.
3.有誰知道該缸是屬於何種過濾 ?
4.他的小孩可以在裡面游泳了 ......
5.有哪位英文強而且有閒的的人把那五頁討論內容翻譯一下嗎 ?
下面引用由andrew2002/10/28 11:55am 發表的內容:
I am sorry about my prior recommendation on the pump for the wave maker, I wasn't awar ...
有誰知道該缸是屬於何種過濾 ?
I do, Deep sand bed, refugium, live rock and a powerful ETSS 2400 skimmer. HTH!
[這個帖子最後由Minnow在 2002/10/28 06:16pm 編輯]

根據 Ronald L. Shimek, Ph D. 所提到
At what point,(months, years, etc) would you consider a sand bed mature?
Depending on the stability of the tank, probably after about 18 months. Many of the animals reproduce freguently, on the order of months.
But some are annuals. The bed is mature if it remains stable through a few reproductive cycles.
These cycles, by the way, feed the corals with larvae, etc. Good food. Yumm.
Ron's theory is correct. However, we have many ways to seed out sand bed today. Since I represent Carib-sea, I will not going to this further.
The overall importance of the sand bed is is if the sand bed contains the needed bacteria like heterotrophic, autotrophic and chemolithotrophic for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate conversion. Most of the products you use such as the tank cycling bacteria will cause prolong nitrite cycle.
Other needed creaters could be seeded through live rock addition and culturing kit. My DSB matured within two weeks, but its full capacity occurred in 3 months.
佩服 andrew兄您兩個星期到三個月間就能使DSB運作
請問您所使用的"種砂"是買的嗎? 或是海邊採的? 或是向朋友要的?
Woulf U share ur personal experience of seeding DSB with Carib-sea sand ? I know they have one kind of sand coating with denitrifying bacteria .
BTW, I think the maturation of DSB need one year of longer, but it is the maturation of critter animal and sand snifter, if u just need denitration bacteria, I think one month is enough
just IMHO!!


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