1. S


    are those snails pyramid snails which will attach clams too??????? I saw a few white snails in my tank at night...they are not near the clam but I am afraid they are bad..can someone help me ID it??
  2. S


    !!!!!水!!!!! 大家的肺腑之言讓我感動的打出中文. :) 最 感動的是每一位高手級的都以"小弟"自稱,讓我這個沒有幾年經驗的"肉腳"都不知道要閃到哪一邊去. 才剛剛加入ph84 沒多久 卻覺得很有親切感......讓我們大家一起加油吧! "歐``````蝦米攏不驚...歐`歐```歐````````向前走`` ok done....about 20 minutes to type above words....now you know what is 感動 :)
  3. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? eagle chu, my family live in 鳳山 now too!!! wow how cool. :) did you train them to eat frozen? if so how do you do it?? you sould soak the frozen food with supplements because they need lots of nutrition if not they most likly won't live up to 7 or 8 months. If you do soak the...
  4. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? [這篇文章最後由sea-horsea在 2003/01/19 05:03am 第 1 次編輯] he must be hungry for a long time :( what kind of searhorse do you have? do you have a picture? can you tell more about the setup? how many total do you have and how long do you have them? what do you feed? how often do you...
  5. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? yeah yeah yeah!!!!! congrat!!! yeah yeah yeah!!!! so happy!!!! pay attention make sure he doesn't get infections around that area...:) :) :) yeah yeah
  6. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? thats what i mean....cool cool :O hope you can do it....:)
  7. S


    ”幻の魚” .......what can i said........
  8. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? adult horsies will have air problem in the stomach...not just juvenile or babies. :) you can try to let the air out by using a thin stick or something soft and try to stick it in the pouch on the male(when you do this you should use other hand to hold the horse so its...
  9. S


    "傳說中的“水腹" " if the horses are panic and swim horizontally...most likely is air in the pouch. If that is the case the horse can die in days unless you treat it right away. if "he" is carrying babies already he should act like normal unless he is giving birth soon which he will "dance" around...
  10. S


    [求助]有人治療過海馬嗎? you can treat seahorses with medicine....I can't remember the name but its a blue liquid that treats fungus. Fungus is common for seahorses especially during or after giving birth. Let me see if I can find the exact name from my books. :)
  11. S


    除非我們大家都不買珊瑚ㄌ "要不然聊保育問題 就像殺人的贊成死刑 怪怪的哩 " this quote is awsome. point out the whole thing. my thoughts are: when it comes to science, there is no 100%, and keeping marine life in a closed environment is definitely a science experient.
  12. S


    what is 虎耳 in english?? thank you
  13. S


    臭酸 DADA :) Rhynchocinetes uritai (機械蝦) is fatter and shorter...and the color red/white is more separate, but Lysmata wurdemanni's red/white color is more dark, not as bright...and their body is longer and thinner...hope its helps.... MY 垃圾海葵 is ALL GONE!!! i don't see any of it...
  14. S


    飄飄 sometimes will eat the slime on the fish body...they don't JUST eat parasites...so unless you have a FO tank with many fish in it...飄飄 is not a good choice for tank.
  15. S


    we mess up the board..it won't pass 9999...hahhahaa....STONE兄 you set the record!!!!
  16. S


    STONE兄: 3Q for the picture...3Q3Q3Q3Q3Q X 1,000,000,000 Q :) STONE兄 & DUKE兄 """當-之-無-愧""" 真的是"夭壽水" ne~~~ 只有一句話可以形容,那就是(((((((轟動武林,驚動萬教)))))) you the best!
  17. S


    holy cow!!!! sorry to hear it....:(
  18. S


    DR. Stone?? :)
  19. S


    just want to tell you all that on Thursday I bought 2 peppermint and until today only a few 垃圾海葵 left....thank you for all your help.... :) :) :)
  20. S


    yellow tang's body is more like a square