1. S


    hahaha... http://photos.yahoo.com/aliumike I also have pacman frog..albino...no picture yet..will put it on soon... :) before I have australian parakeets, chameleons, and pythons...because i move sothe pic. is what i have now
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    I just sign up yesterday...cuz more and more people complain about RC now and they are slow like 28.8K dial up
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    I got 2 today.....I hope they can do the job....I will let you know...thank you :)
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    is the fish in the main tank or separate???
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    kingo how long does your friend has the fish for??? what system?? thank you great fish $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ swim around...hehehe
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    you mean camel??? thanks jas!
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    but I have other corals....I remember that they might pick up xenia, clam mantles or so... I have bubble, frogspawn, mushrooms, grogonian tree, and many polyps....will the butterfly eat them?? I will go for sps in the future....should I buy the fish or shrimp? or use kwalkwaser would be better...
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    not sure what are those because don't know the chinese name...can someone show me some pics??? and does "Ca(OH)2 保和液" means the liquid calcium we use for reef tank??? thank you all
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    [這個帖子最後由jackliu在 2002/12/17 04:04pm 編輯] 我的3呎缸長一大堆這鬼東西(aiptasia)...不知道中文叫什麼.....本來只有一點,現在大量繁殖....請問各位前輩怎麼樣消滅這個爛東西 :( thank you for all your help...
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    6 to 8 inches in the tank
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    AndrewLou's Stonies & Algae Tank

    AndrewLou's Stonies & Algae Tank how's your corals now andrew lou?? can you show more picture?? does sps works under pl lights??
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    my 3 feet reef tank

    I add my other pet's pictures..go check it out...what do you call them in chinese??? its Ferrets...
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    就是小傢伙,花了我350..... what ?? expensive or what??? this fish will cost at least US$40 here in fish store.....oh my god...let me think about moving back to taiwan
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    DR. Stone :) 我也從1看到19...有一個結論....我決定養 SPS 缸了. 有一問題請教博士可否照幾張照明(lights)的照片共參考 我不是很了解....Thank you!!!! again, you are a "PU-LO" :)
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    Duke的礁岩缸(20030420)P10 THE END

    #2 push push push........duke?? change your name to KING of reef!!!
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    can be a blue line...don't have book with me now...but i think
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    beautiful..i donno what to say...beautiful
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    what are the set up???
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    picture of your tank fiesole?
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    you have a picture???