1. S


    HI HI 我, 高雄鳳山人現住洛杉磯...養海水和軟體缸..現只有軟體缸因沒有時間養 FO. 叫sea-horsea因養一陣的海馬(pygmy sea-horse) 還是"肉腳"請多多指導和指教 you can 叫我買客....朋友都醬子叫我 MY TANK:(3 years) 36x12x16 inches(30 gallon) 50+ lbs of liverock 2 inches live sand 2x96 watts power compact lights some corals(donno name in chinese, sorry)...
  2. S


    HI HI 我, 高雄鳳山人現住洛杉磯...養海水和軟體缸..現只有軟體缸因沒有時間養 FO. 叫sea-horsea因養一陣的海馬(pygmy sea-horse) 還是"肉腳"請多多指導和指教 you can 叫我買客....朋友都醬子叫我 MY TANK:(3 years) 36x12x16 inches(30 gallon) 50+ lbs of liverock 2 inches live sand 2x96 watts power compact lights some corals(donno name in chinese, sorry)...
  3. S


    i got it..queen angel....:) sorry I can't type chinese at work... let me go download software and maybe I can try it from there...
  4. S


    how long does the fish live??? this is IMPOSSIBLE in USA unless fish died in a few days
  5. S


    老思勒 very very cool...
  6. S


    大家好 I am 阿刘 live 在美国....台湾 Kaohsiung Feng-San人 我打Chinese很慢很慢..都不持(sorry) just say hi to everyone!!! 30 gallon Berlin style reef tank... thank you
  7. S


    大家好 I am 阿刘 live 在美国....台湾 Kaohsiung Feng-San人 我打Chinese很慢很慢..都不持(sorry) just say hi to everyone!!! 30 gallon Berlin style reef tank... thank you
  8. S


    会便白...sorry I type slow chinse..
  9. S


    lights.....the most important for 腦珊瑚
  10. S


    YY cool...are the fish all healthy ??? any of them died???
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    http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=25427 check it out...I never seen it in person
  12. S


    what fish is that? do you have picture?
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    is it still alive???
  14. S


    請問"麒麟神仙"價位 picture?? I think is like USD$100
  15. S

    website for picture and name in chinese?

    thank you jeff is ok I can read chinese perfectly.....:)
  16. S


    do you have a picture of this fish?? what size is the best to get???
  17. S

    people's tank in USA

    just want to share with you friends in taiwan....:) http://www.reefkeeping.com/ you can go to "past issues" and choose the month...then click on "tank of the month" to see the tank. hope you like it A-Liu
  18. S


    "記得魚店老闆說是光線不足 Or 光譜不同於太陽光.. " yes...if the light is strong enough the color will not be white... white means it is not healthy
  19. S


    金剛蝦虎 ?? picture please..htank you
  20. S

    退色 怎麼半

    老闆都介紹一堆東西給我加----bullshit how tall is the tank??? how many 瓦 of lights total???