1. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    do you know anythign about 水塔??? what are the goods and bads of using natural water for FO ? Cost ? disease ? for long term.. if I am going to use 水塔... then I will need to build it at backyard of the new house.. my water is always 1.018~1.021..... natural water may be only 1.016 ?.... so...
  2. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    好羨慕你的口袋深度 ( because my wife did not know how much I spent... this is why your wife can never go to my house !!! but you can as you know the rules.... never ask your fish friends about the pricing infront of the wives ) 我的口袋都破掉 ( already broken...) 新缸幾尺啊 有和裝潢一起規劃的話 ( 1800~2000L not sure...
  3. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    it is a very unique fish from east africa... 15~16cm... new tank still need to wait as the new house schedule has been pushed out again.
  4. H

    Noending in Deutsch 之 五公升的狂想 ( P16 五爪貝變化 多圖 )

    缸子太大找不到小魚 啦。 請問這缸是不是有被報導過?
  5. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    海水魚金害啦。 我最近手很癢 又改了tank. Haha
  6. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    你的tank越來越有pro的感覺了。 叫老婆給你多買一點魚!
  7. H

    FO forever

    Yes 28-30cm.
  8. H

    FO forever

    OLD photoes !!…. Die already :em06:
  9. H

    FO forever

    LOL... accident coloring the photo but loooks good Unorganized photoes from my laptop.
  10. H

    FO forever

    thanks frank… finally I know.. I like the smaller one… so pretty.. http://wn.com/apolemichthys_armitagei
  11. H

    FO forever

    checked with HK friends.. seems it is not because " armitagei " is 軍仕仙. got a fish with no name... the fish is coming from East Africa.
  12. H

    FO forever

    thanks.. do we have an chinese for this ?:em03:
  13. H

    FO forever

    hybrid 的魚. 不知道叫什麼名子. may be 黄金王子 or 非洲軍仕. http://www.aquarium.org.hk/cgi-bin/ch/topic_show.cgi?id=54882&h=1&bpg=2&age=30
  14. H

    FO forever

    Under the Blue LED
  15. H

    FO forever

    can someone share with me some comments.. if No3 remover is needed for big FO tanks ? I know it is not necessary but will be better right ?
  16. H

    FO forever

    看了很多的FO 剛子 是長方的比較好還是正方的? 長方: 6尺長三尺高 正方: 四尺四尺寬?
  17. H

    FO forever

    不好意思. 因為最近有了iPad 可以手寫. 小弟中文不好. 只會手寫。平時只用PC 上ph8.4. 認識我的都知道我是很台的abc . 雙怪很好 Orange 一樣 聖帝太肥 友禪被黃三角打死了 黄金珠仙下個月PO 珍珠羅死了 買了二手BK vertex250 還沒有裝 New tank 1500 liter..........still planning ps: Orange 兩年了. 怪們一年了吧?!。 7 bandits 送給上帝照顧。
  18. H

    FO forever

    快了,最近比較忙。魚尚可. 搞了一隻hybrid 的魚. 不知道叫什麼名子. 黄金王子 or 非洲軍仕.