1. H

    FO forever

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    FO forever

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    FO forever

    New Camera... Hope your eyes will not get hurt again
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    :em16::em16::em16: OMG.....
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    FO forever

    不過瞬間收口,隔天體色變白 MUST BE stomach problem... I will strongly recommend you to use WATERLIFE Pill
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    FO forever

    對水很敏感==> Not sure, but I always mix my new water with Vitamin C & D pills one pill each every time I change the water... ( I change water once every 2 week, 1/4 of the tank ). 忽然收口==> YES. This is the challenge, this is why I prepare Waterlife Pills when the 2 怪s arrive my tank. Can not feed...
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    FO forever

    A little.. but should be ok... Better than bandit
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    FO forever

    13.5cm Vs 19Cm.. 13.5cm color changed after 1 month NO pale color anymore but fins are not white 2 looks alike but left is small right is large...
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    小于的FISH ROOM,撤缸完成,迎接新同學,朋友的10尺FO

    YES.... I am planning for 水泥底缸, same as HK fish street
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    小于的FISH ROOM,撤缸完成,迎接新同學,朋友的10尺FO

    The SINK tank must be made of the glass ?? I am thinking of other material for my new tanks.... if SINK tanks is planned to be outside of the maintank.. Glass is not a good options, given that we all have children in the house.
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    小邱 の 2 呎 FO 檢疫缸 20120522 更新 P35

    Check my installation of my air conditional.. your tank is on the top floor of the building... almost the same as time. YOU MUST INSTALL 分離式.....
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    順安煤氣 ~ 阿權的 FO 無敵鐵筋缸 P8 自 D 燈具 P9 7/8 進魚更新

    小邱不要害人了,回頭是岸 是好友就不要叫人家跳海
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    FO forever

    是大哥 有您的帶領 九怪王應該會是你 小弟不敢比你先走到那一步 蒙蒙己傷我很深,不能讓怪怪再傷我了:em10:
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    FO forever

    我從書上看到是不錯 小怪12.5ㄧ13cm 應算是"老"的幼魚 Normally , 幼魚的color 不深 但非百分百 15cm 後brown 跟黃色會加深 大怪18-20cm 的color 就粉美粉深 但當怪被蟲咬或under stress 時color 也會很白
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    FO forever

    小邱 我不知呀 那本angelfish 的書不錯 想買魚時就翻翻解解衝動的痛苦 我有粉多本 要不要?變種白女王! 小怪是給自己的bonus 男人在外工作粉辛苦 愉買魚總比偷人好吧?!:em01: 聼説怪面仙一到形色就彼fully booked 了 假如有下次,我會出手!:em01: 雙怪=4 bandits 口袋的私房錢又沒了 雙怪
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    FO forever

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    FO forever

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    FO forever

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    FO forever

    養得活就不貴了 :em10: