1. H

    FO forever

    生命周期,像chicken heart /西非ROI 最底,
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    FO forever

    買了那多魚,小弟覺得Return On investment最高 的魚 是Orange/怪面
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    FO forever

    Teacher Shih : 七個多月吧 你是不是又買怪了?我又不是第一次PO 小弟是一年多前看到你的雙怪,才有養怪的衝動
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    FO forever

    讓人又愛又恨的魚應該很多 Recently看到蒙了,那才是 讓我心癢癢。 老馬的南帝!!讓我回來POPO 怪怪的照片 爽一下。
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    FO forever

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    FO forever

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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    haha. YOU ARE THE KING OF FO... I will not buy fish anymore, can not compete with you.
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    [分享]肥貓的5呎混養良心缸 --- P-46 小雞報到---552樓

    Are you sure it is 聖帝 ??? :em01::em01::em01:
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    FO forever

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    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    Teacher Shih page 555 is a good number!!!!
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    [分享]肥貓的5呎混養良心缸 --- P-46 小雞報到---552樓

    水管假如沒有你們 他們應該會哭:em01::em01::em01:
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    try tropical marine salt ( for reef & coral one ) ....i tried today it is the best salt so far... tropical marine sale for FO will provide you around PH 8.2 but this one for reef and coral will give you PH 8.4 with fresh water. of course 30% more expensive than the FO salt..
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    if your KH value is less than 5 in the FO tank....your fishes' skin/eyes might have problem in the long term.
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    Fishes will die eventually in our tank..... our job is to feed them well and become more colorful .... of course....try to make them live as long as we can....
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    check my sink photo in the earlier days... I use simply the small stones:em07:
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    the brand is called WaterLife ^_^..... the main purpose of the medicine is to get rid of bad things from fish's stomach... but since the medicine is so gentle ..that it can be used as a Better Digestion medicine for fishes. Fishes are not smart... it will eat till they are sick... normally we...
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    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    Dr ma : please make your filtering material/substance to be simple like mine....use 1 kind not 2 or more types of materials. because, the more filtering material that you have in your sink, the complicated/unpredictable chemical reaction you will have ...when you use copper..or other treatment...