1. H

    FO forever

    他粉機車 讓我心碎了 一晚 想說聖哥怎麼會變成馬姊 ...:em08::em08::em08:
  2. H

    FO forever

    兩位大哥 小弟是個上班族 我沒有別的事業呀:em10::em10: 請勿在此啦錢塞:em01::em01::em01:
  3. H

    FO forever

    4. lots of Money :em10::em10:
  4. H

    FO forever

    I LOVE YOU SYM !!!! :em09::em09::em09::em09::em09:
  5. H

    FO forever

    I hate you john....:em16::em16: I think it is my Iphone's camera... this is the fish taken by the store....:em12::em12:
  6. H

    FO forever

    魚友們:不好意思小弟一時眼花沒有看清楚就PO了上去。。。。:em15::em15: 他是聖哥不是馬姊:em08::em08: 你們看不出嗎 ?? 看到你們的留言我心己碎:em16::em16: 本來不有打算買聖哥因為我在兩年內 搞掛3隻了..:em06::em06::em06: This is 最後一戰了 他不是馬姊.... 他不是馬姊.... 他不是馬姊..... 他是聖哥...:em12::em12:
  7. H

    FO forever

    馬家的:em12::em12::em12::em12: NO Christmas Island la:em08:
  8. H

    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    expensive & rare fish always comes.... clean and change your sink first... spent lots of money on your sink to do the re engineering !!! if I am you... I will change the sink 100% to a new one...
  9. H

    FO forever

    Memory of the past >_< I will be back !!!:em17::em17:
  10. H

    FO forever

    emperor's arrival
  11. H

    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    Dr ma : Fish will not die.. if you do not feed them for 1 week. Please do not feed your fish for at least 3 days.
  12. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    HAHAHA... I know... I can not fight with Teacher Shih on the fish... He has " bigger arm" :em10::em10::em10: I am just a small potatoe in his eyes:em06::em06::em06:
  13. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    :em15::em15::em15: Sorry Sorry
  14. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    Damn,,,, how big is your 西非 ? 15~16 cm.. YOU TOOK MY RESERVATION :em12::em12::em10::em10:
  15. H

    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    Please Please please do not change the water or temperature ... it will kill your fishes simply use copper treatment. wait for 4 days.
  16. H

    FO forever

    There are 2 things that I can not buy... 1. bigger Tank. 2. Digital camera... :em10::em10::em10: My wife SAID NO !!! 走精緻缸---->:em03::em03::em03:
  17. H

    FO forever

    天氣變泠了 各位魚友不要再看ph8.4 !!! 快到水管買魚! 我又有買魚的大衝動了:em09::em09::em09::em09: Bandit !!!! I am coming
  18. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    :em01::em01::em01::em01: if I recalled correctly, she always had the best dress in the class and always crying for small things..... act like a little princess to us :em01::em01::em01: She was like a clarion Angelfish while the rest are like cheap crown fish only:em17::em17: got it...
  19. H

    小邱 の 4 呎 2 歪打正著 FO 缸 20121126 魚口特寫更新 P47 瞎毀 ~ 心碎了 P49

    :em01: :em01::em01::em01::em01::em01::em01::em01: I did not say anything to her....:em01::em01: ONLY said... respect your man's hobby