1. H

    FO forever

    Spend Money not in the fish But tank :em06::em06::em06: New cooling system 1000L of Air Con system for 400L of water :em04::em04: 1 degree takes only 10 minutes:em09::em09: new look of my tank... sold some old fishes again...:em07::em07:
  2. H

    FO forever

    沒事啦:em01::em01::em01: 只是有點灰心 以為可以養很久:em16::em16: 海水魚啊 !!! 不要再死啦!!!
  3. H

    FO forever

    This is not sharing....but laughing:em10::em10:
  4. H

    FO forever

    就在西非破百日就快掛了 今早看到他浮在水上 我的手都可以 touch他 有沒有人破百日? 可以分享一下嗎? my 西非 is around 12 cm now.. 3 months ago is about 10CM
  5. H

    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

    Dr Ma : Please change the Stones !!!! Come ON everything is perfect except the stones.
  6. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    " 直接抽去一半水量 ":em11::em11::em11:---> very dangerous .... should not change so much volume of water at 1 time.. change like 10% or less is safer.... For your reference : http://reefbuilders.com/ this is where I see the latest marine aquarium technology and news.
  7. H

    老馬的缸p229 大藍好走

  8. H

    肥貓辦公室之2呎小缸 --- 首頁定期update生死簿 ---P-27 +ABS了

    john : I really need to tell you this... small tank can not fulfill your desire .....
  9. H

    FO forever

    I got this one 18cm by accident, luckily it is eating ,,,, I was waiting for another size.. 15cm actually... I hope to get a big west africa... 15~20cm.. with or without west africa....I have everything already..... can not get too greedy the next dream ..is not a fish.. but better...
  10. H

    FO forever

  11. H

    FO forever

  12. H

    FO forever

    Dr Ma.. this is just for you [ special package ] :em09::em09::em09:
  13. H

    FO forever

    :em04::em04::em04: someday, you will need to help me to take the photoes.... i do not want to spend any money in camera... but MORE fishes
  14. H

    FO forever

    My own DIY LED lamp for FO ~~~ :em01::em01: It is the LED light !!! I am using I-PHONE 3GS to take these photoes :em17::em17: Orange under the LED lightings :em09::em09::em09: Cortex under LED other fishes
  15. H

    公司裡的3.5尺小缸 P41 新上空雜照!! P45 相片+影音更新

    I need a better camera... not Iphone3G camera:em06::em06:
  16. H

    FO forever

  17. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    怪---> I though it is in your tank for 1 year ? what is the longest time that you can keep 怪 ? 1 year ? :em10::em10::em10::em10: sorry for all these fishes:em10::em10:
  18. H

    老施滴快樂天地萬花筒^0^...P656 1001002正式熄燈

    so teacher shih : what really happened ? three fishes are old fish right ?
  19. H

    FO forever

    ohhhh... you like small GG......:em06::em06::em06: