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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    [這篇文章最後由nitewind在 2006/10/17 04:12pm 第 1 次編輯] 5ft, 10 管ATI T5
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    這星期六晚上我臨到臺北.... :D
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    藥量低相當數量spur2 應該是安全的。因為我沒有想法怎麼您的水容量是
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    我認為依靠您相信, 起因為美國他們強烈仍然相信MH.但為德相信MH混合T5或MH或T5
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    ^_^, 我熱切地仍然等候為它到來
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    [這篇文章最後由nitewind在 2006/09/08 12:03pm 第 1 次編輯] 我交換對充分的T5 10 x 80W 運行在KZ T5 電燈泡。
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    這URL http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/8/aafeature 好簡而言之, 這篇文章談論怎麼重要性水流程影響珊瑚與光比較。人們很多時間認為, 光是多重要性並且我發現臺灣投入了水流程如同最後重要性項目為我發現流程在大多數臺灣海洋坦克是不足夠強。 給水位高流程, 這幫助防止珊瑚破壞並且援助在成長與珊瑚比較在低流程區域.
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    URL 是在文章的結尾。 但這篇文章不容易瞭解和不需說關於翻譯它
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    我做□一篇文章的翻譯從RC 對漢語版本。有希望地翻譯將不太誤引和希望幫助大家得到對撇取的更好的理解 -------------------------------------- 撇取是被使用在許多礁石水族館裡的水淨化技術。它去由各種各樣不同的名字包括泡沫分餾, 蛋白質, 最頻繁地, 撇取和正義撇取。同樣, 設備指漏杓、蛋白質漏杓或泡沫fractionator 。它基本的目的是對出口被溶化的和屬於顆粒的有機物從水族館, 以增加的通風的堅固附加福利。這樣設備被使用了在其它產業, 譬如蛋白質洗淨, 許多年, 並且許多上百科學論文談論他們的用途。 這篇文章意欲幫助aquarists...
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    用zeovit 的sps的大老們請賜教, 謝謝(後來自己摸~做紀錄看看會不會倒)

    in zeovit you don't need to feed those coral food to the sps. since your p04 has drop to 0.03 then you may consider to purchase; zeovit AAHC, iron, CV, K and B balance, KI FI and Pocci Stylo Glow
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    用zeovit 的sps的大老們請賜教, 謝謝(後來自己摸~做紀錄看看會不會倒)

    Hi Jimchao 100, 1st what you need to do. remove biological balls: fill up in overflow. For this is never an advise to be use in marine tank. take note that most Active carbon will release p04 thus I advise only go for KZ active carbon which is the best that I find so far. And for the size of...
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    Hi marskuo, TM pro use to be a good salt. But they change their qualty of content in the salt and thus make it a rather normal salt. By far the best salt for SPS is still the "Reefer best salt" which you can get it from sps garden, which you guy are luckily that taiwen does sell and in very...
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    Hi Chang92115, sorry no I don't have. I'm not a taiwenese so I can't tell how taiwen market for zeovit. But in the world zeovit does perform well and there are alot of nice tank around using zeovit. My advise is go read the zeovit manual carefully and follow the advise from the manual. Doing...
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    don't bother to use additive mg to raise your mg for it might result in iconic inbalance. So the best way is use NSW if not then change your salt and go for reefer best salt or IO-O
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    zeovit system is the latest filtering system (in fact it is more then just filter system) that can help you achieve super clean water where no other filter system can ever do. You can may to take a look at the main forum which is at www.zeovit.com
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    Hi vinovino41, Since you are working in SG, think you should not have any problem understanding english. There are quite a few marine shops in SG, you can try download the list http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=217240 As for visiting me sure no problem. You try...
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    我的180gal SPS魚缸

    在那麼長的附上以後是更新相片... 對設備的一些變動我增加我的水流程與1 x 6200 3 x 6100 1 x 6060 eqipment 的剩餘依然是同樣期望回歸管子和溢出管子全部做與40mm
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    no problem at all billchiu
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    Hi Billchiu, For now, please wait for 3 weeks later then try dosing spur2 again. It will be better to dose 1.8ml for your case and then slowly increase the dose (5%). You can dose spur2 by every 10 days period. 喂Billchiu, 暫時, 請等然後3 個星期以後設法再藥量spur2 。最好藥量1.8ml 為您的情況和慢慢地然後增加藥量(5%) 。您能藥量spur2 在每10...
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    Zeovit 用戶全部請進來

    Hi billchiu, May I know how many ml of spur2 did you dose? How old are these sps in your tank? What you are encountering now is not something serious but have to be careful. Please do not dose any spur2 for the time being until you are clear of how to use the spur2 and your tank condition. Note...