1. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear 阿宏 Sharing my new fish-西非 to you.
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    [原創]小米&阿宏的FO缸_賊仔滿40天囉!更新9/17 Dear 阿宏, Congradulation! I';m so glad to see your 賊仔. It looks very healthy and beautiful. Final, tks for sharing your pixs of you FO.
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Eddy, Po pixs of my fish tank.
  4. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear all, Sharing my fishes! Tank closed, no more new fish!
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    [原創]小米&阿宏的FO缸_賊仔滿40天囉!更新9/17 Dear 帥哥洪 ㄚ義 真是美不勝收 蒙面 雞心讚 祝訓餌順利 多po pixs for all your fans!
  6. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear 帥哥宏, Po some updated fish pixs
  7. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Adding the pixs again. C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\SANY1023.JPG C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\SANY1026.JPG
  8. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Pony, Thank you and sharing my pixs of fish. BTW, I';d like to add one more France angle, 6-8 cm. C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\SANY1023.JPG C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\SANY1026.JPG
  9. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear all, Po some entire family pixs!
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear 帥哥宏, Thank you so much for your advice. I';ll check it out carefuly. Meanwhile, sharing my fish pixs.
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Eddy, Po some pixs of my fish
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Ivan and Jacky, Thank you. My fish is doing well so far.加魚速度的確過快 下過一次藥 所幸魚兒都ok. 封缸了 過一個再說 加一尾黃肚神仙已克海苔 Po some fish pixs. Jacky, my experience is " Do not add fish too fast" and put my heart to feed them.
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear John, Po some pixs and new members are two 關刀
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    Eddy';s 3.5尺 FO 5/28 P3, P4 皇帝第一天下缸衝顆粒及魚口進況

    Dear Eddy, Your 皇帝真美下崗及開口 棒 超讚
  15. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Eddy and all, Thanks for your comments! Just put another new 寶馬(BMW),13cm tonight! BMW is looking so good!
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear all, Po some pix of my new fish, 虎斑, 花臉
  17. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear all, Po fish eat seawed Appreciate all your comments.
  18. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear all, Po some up to date fish pixs!
  19. S

    Sean';s New FO

    Dear Boss, Thank you! I bought flame angel from 大禹礁岩 and I will buy another one tonignt. I think their fish q';ty is quite good!
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    Sean';s New FO

    Dear 大大, 小火焰,小黃三角已入缸, 狀況良好,令人振奮地是 小火焰入缸後即開口狂吃. 大黃三角也已開口吃薄片. Po pixs for u all. 5/10又捕一尾紫倒吊 , 今晨 入缸