1. danmhippo


    拿斜口剪把虎耳底部的石頭剪開, 不割傷虎耳並且連著少量石材比較容易黏著到新的活石上
  2. danmhippo

    老王 Elton's reef tank in Taiwan 2019升級還是為走更長遠的路......P.177#

    不用一萬億人頭紙 那個Anthony Calfo十年前就再Oregon成立他的珊瑚農場, 用的就是一般的Green house, 也就是大棚蔬菜農場用的高級版那種. 我以前的一本書就有他的農場在大雪裡的照片, 我找找看網路還有沒有 這裡: https://www.korallenriff.de/Sindelfingen2003/vortrag_calfo2003.html 書找到了, 都忘記我這本還是第一版, 親筆簽名過的, 哈哈
  3. danmhippo

    老王 Elton's reef tank in Taiwan 2019升級還是為走更長遠的路......P.177#

    什麼藥水桶這麼大費周章的? 西ㄟ機?
  4. danmhippo


    若你養的生物沒什麼骨骼生長需要, 建議改用KH沒那麼高的海水素
  5. danmhippo

    老王 Elton's reef tank in Taiwan 2019升級還是為走更長遠的路......P.177#

    你那一堆電線與延長線亂的......... 好東西怎麼沒有拍出來?
  6. danmhippo


    用最小號的鉤子釣試試看 記得先把倒鉤剪掉 若釣不到, 就拆活石抓魚吧
  7. danmhippo


    多大的魚缸要敲? 我上次敲一個四尺缸, 我是先用保鮮膜包一兩層, 地上再鋪滿報紙, 然後從邊邊角角處開始敲 包膜只是不讓碎玻璃四濺 蠻療癒的
  8. danmhippo


    看起來八成新屋還沒住人就先住魚. 既然是第一批入住的, 放魚前要先看黃曆嗎?
  9. danmhippo

    foreign friends club

    I tried to find cyclop-eeze before and have no luck. I ended up bought a few when I go back to the states. There are some alternatives, though not exactly the cyclopeeze, but quite close. Copepods are called 橈腳類, copy and paste these 3 words on the web should yield a few hits of stores that...
  10. danmhippo

    foreign friends club

    Most store do not take old tanks for trade-in. You might have better luck trying to sell them on the 2手硬體交易區 If no one wants your old tank, you can call your local city trash collector (清潔隊) to schedule a time and place for pick up (free service). You need to take them to the designated...
  11. danmhippo

    foreign friends club

    Also, Loc Line is called 蛇管 in Taiwan Go on PChome internet shopping or your LFS, ask for 蛇管零件 Just checked a store in pchome: http://www.pcstore.com.tw/aquagod/M16887917.htm
  12. danmhippo

    foreign friends club

    I've seen it a couple times at Taipei 魚街. Not a common fish for sale, so it may be difficult to plan a trip up from the south just to buy these. Since you are at Kaohsiung, you may want to check with 海賊王, or to ask them when they might be able to get these spotted filefish.
  13. danmhippo


  14. danmhippo


    厄, 老王是說我嗎? .............我缸裡剛好就有11顆公主海葵
  15. danmhippo


    有蛋白機就不需要打氣 沒有蛋白機就去買一台 搞定, 收工
  16. danmhippo

    底缸規劃 活石區要不要燈光和造流

    到最後還是要看飼養主追求的是菌種, 還是生物多樣性(含浮游) 若是要非光合菌種, 那大可不開燈 其餘需求都需要某程度的光源
  17. danmhippo

    有 Apex 的請照過來...

    導電度原廠有賣 pH可以台灣買,需要7.0 與10.0 其餘兩個不需校正
  18. danmhippo


  19. danmhippo


    撤吧,如果是我一定撤缸。 硬體可留著,日後再決定是否要二手賣掉
  20. danmhippo

