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    內置可免除額外進水泵, 但受水位高低(如蒸發)影響至大. 外置需額外進水安排.
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    5mm強化 vs. 8mm不強化玻璃-價格比較

    安全計. 用普通浮法玻璃9mm側片, 12mm底片吧. 玻璃要好質量的, 小心因小失大..釀成水禍. 強化玻璃絕非魚缸的好選擇.
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    [原創]Surge+Flow Control-The "Wave Weaver"

    [原創]Surge+Flow Control-The "Wave Weaver" 回4樓, 閣下對呀.祇因我打中文很慢呀.儘量吧. 有關裝置構造仍請參下列: http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=125348
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    [原創]Surge+Flow Control-The "Wave Weaver"

    [原創]Surge+Flow Control-The "Wave Weaver" Pls go to the following thread: http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=272022 Cheers,
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    [原創]Surge+Flow Control-The "Wave Weaver"

    see it in operation (demo): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zAVyigKdgo System general info: no bubble surge quiet two surge systems on left and right respectively surges and outlets controls - down to seconds, user controlled intervals. surge tanks can be equipped as true wet-dry filtration...
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    請問你買了多少錢 我的asf400用1500L/H推的較果不錯
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    [分享] SPS 飼養成果

    有沒有缸的相片以供大家參考 因為我都想不用SUMP但不知如何是好