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    ◤幽靈尚未完成缸 ◢(P23轉移資料中,最新資料)

    幽灵大你好! 小弟从头到尾认真读了您的建缸记录,心情激动. 相比一些充满SPS图片的帖子,个人感觉您的记录更加生动和令人受益. 感谢您的无私分享! BTW,您的假活石岩板对造景而言是点睛之笔哦..
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    [討論] 養珊瑚需要餵食海洋之花軟體飼料嗎??

    小弟觉得有共生藻的LPS不必额外饲喂。 与其加那些有的没的,不如多多换水来得有益。
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    [這篇文章最後由nini在 2008/06/02 01:30pm 第 1 次編輯] 大大您好! 小弟一直在寻找您说的这个产品,请PM或告知品牌和名称! 万分感谢∼∼
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    AB aqua +KH

    thx rayliang and kenkuo for your reply!! why i wanna use it is b/c of it can dissolve slowly. i have not got a dosing pump currently and add Sodium Bicarbonate or KH additive straightly after mix with RO water will fluctuate KH quickly. can anyone kindly provide the KH tabs with other brands? thx!!
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    AB aqua +KH

    hi every one! i';d like to use "AB aqua +KH" to maintain KH for my saltwater tank. here is the link of this product:https://www.aqua-medic.de/freshwater/en/3/aqua%20%2BKH/ from the website of aqua medic it is said that it can only be used for freshwater tanks. i had sent a email to aqua medic...