V vicentsun 訪客 2002/08/17 #1 有誰知道南部區域有哪家店是以賣SPS為主,最近好像好多家店多不太進SPS, 因為聽店家說:很容易死傷!我住高雄,知道的網友推薦一下吧!謝謝! 中北區的也可以啦!
A Andrew 訪客 2002/08/17 #5 Even in the US very rarely a store would dedicated its whole store front selling SPS only. Most of the stores in the US sell a mix variety of coals.
Even in the US very rarely a store would dedicated its whole store front selling SPS only. Most of the stores in the US sell a mix variety of coals.
M mwhsu 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 10 2002/08/20 #7 聽說最近有一位專跑北高空運海洋生物的單幫客 連航空站安檢人員都認識他了 平均每週來回一趟 但他只幫熟客帶東西 據聞今天帶了兩大袋的海水過關,手好像脫臼了,所以要先休息一陣子