L LiaoMac 🔰 金幣 74 2013/08/15 #1 請問大家有使用peroxide來對付藻類的經驗嗎? RC有人分享,看來有效 (1)3% peroxide(H2O2) (2)out of tank, rinse on the spot (3)2~3天有效 有誤請討論!小心使用. Regards
請問大家有使用peroxide來對付藻類的經驗嗎? RC有人分享,看來有效 (1)3% peroxide(H2O2) (2)out of tank, rinse on the spot (3)2~3天有效 有誤請討論!小心使用. Regards
L LiaoMac 🔰 金幣 74 2013/08/15 #3 對.討論中是建議把有長algae部份,用peroxide浸濕. 2天之後成效明顯. 不知有人試過? 看起來對hair algae(絲狀藻)很有效.有時系統中的有機物不高,也會爆絲狀藻. Regards
ReefGuy 🔰 金幣 0 2013/08/15 #4 Imho, just as many others have told me, figure out where your excess nutrients are coming from
L LiaoMac 🔰 金幣 74 2013/08/16 #5 nutrients is another topic or agenda, Pls focus on this topic( peroxide) Regards