小弟来自马来西亚, 三年前开始养珊瑚。过程是波折重重, 尤其去年去德国时的倒缸差点要放弃了。重新出发,开始转用Polyplab产品来营造低营养盐环境来养珊瑚。

主缸: 120x60x60 cm
底缸: 75x45x45
燈具: Solite 2x250W BLV 10,000K, 2x54W Giesemann Actinic+, 4x3W moon light
蛋白: Deltec SC2060
鈣反: Custom Made 4ft high with Aquabee 3000 pump
造浪: 2 x Tunze 6105 with 7092 controller
主馬: Eheim 1262
冷水: Hailea 1hp
控制器:Neptune Apex Controller

采用了Polyplab的Reef Resh 系统

RF Genesis 6 滴(菌种)
RF Fuel 6 滴
RF Plus 6 滴(珊瑚粮)
RF Acids 5 ~ 6 滴


Full Tank Shot with all light on

Full tank shot


why do you keep using 7092 controller if you use Apex already? why do you choose RF product for your system? thanks.
why do you keep using 7092 controller if you use Apex already? why do you choose RF product for your system? thanks.

HaHa.....I brought the 7092 controller way before I brought the Apex, and Local Fish shop don't carry all the Apex accessories.

Polyplab RF is a simple and efficient reef care system, simple as only need to put 4 products in the tank. It is similar to Zeovit and as good as Zeovit, and maintenance cost are lower.

Very popular in Malaysia & Singapore, and result shown in Reefers here.

Usually we used Grotech Colour as the colour booster, and they work very well.
Very decent equipment set even Apex controller equipped, nice!

Ehiem 1262 seems weak as main pump, however.

Your tank is about same size as mine ;-)

Go, reefing!

1262 seems to be quite sufficient for my tank, the water turn over is quite strong from the overflow side.

Ya.....we have the same size of tank. And I know that you have a very nice reef tank.
