Why not try Balling - KZ!?
Balling Complete 才需要此鹽,Balling Lite 先玩玩也不錯啊...
Balling lite 是 FM產品系列嗎?
鈣 鎂 碳酸鹽 加上微量 1 2 3
這實在太複雜了 ...
我只是想在添加鈣 鎂 碳酸鹽時候可以稍微達到海水元素平衡而已阿 orz
The Balling Light includes trace elements, but skips many of the more complicated Amino Acid and NaCl free salt additions that are used in the Balling Complete Method. Instead it relies on the above Ca, Alk, and Mg ingredients and weekly 10% water changes. The weekly 10% water changes are to address a possible build up of NaCl.