shih87 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 675 2016/01/11 #2 Welcome. There are many reefers in Taiwan have similar background like you. You can also find some folks here frequent visit ReefCentral. I will list some names for you. To start with, if your target is SPS, check the link below...
Welcome. There are many reefers in Taiwan have similar background like you. You can also find some folks here frequent visit ReefCentral. I will list some names for you. To start with, if your target is SPS, check the link below...
P psidriven 🔰🔰 金幣 30 2016/01/11 #4 Shih87. Thanks for the link. That will be a really helpful page, plus interesting background on the Oregon tort, which is one of my must have sps. It would be great to meet some more local sps reefers.
Shih87. Thanks for the link. That will be a really helpful page, plus interesting background on the Oregon tort, which is one of my must have sps. It would be great to meet some more local sps reefers.
P psidriven 🔰🔰 金幣 30 2016/01/11 #5 ZAC 說: 您好~~~ 我剛好也太台北中正區 不介意的可以幫我惡補英文哈哈 按一下展開…… Sure. Just as long as you help me with my Chinese. Thumbs up.
ZAC 說: 您好~~~ 我剛好也太台北中正區 不介意的可以幫我惡補英文哈哈 按一下展開…… Sure. Just as long as you help me with my Chinese. Thumbs up.
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2016/01/11 #6 Very nice to see you here bud. Hope this thread may help you. If you still have any question, no problem, just shoot me a PM. Best Regards
Very nice to see you here bud. Hope this thread may help you. If you still have any question, no problem, just shoot me a PM. Best Regards
danmhippo 💎💎🏆🏆🏆 金幣 265 2016/01/11 #7 路過.... 話說.......我認識幾個以前打著幌子說要教英文, 後來短時期內中文突飛猛進......... 那時才發現自己笨, 怎麼沒用過這個法子. 傻傻的就去給人打工, 每天所見不是大媽阿姨就是曲腰喊人X總好 最後編輯: 2016/01/11
路過.... 話說.......我認識幾個以前打著幌子說要教英文, 後來短時期內中文突飛猛進......... 那時才發現自己笨, 怎麼沒用過這個法子. 傻傻的就去給人打工, 每天所見不是大媽阿姨就是曲腰喊人X總好
P psidriven 🔰🔰 金幣 30 2016/01/14 #8 Thanks for the links coral101. Not familiar with your sn, did we meet before?