
新缸三週,rad sea prizm skimmer都只有打出乾淨的水,都沒有收集到任何髒水,請問這是因新缸而無蛋白質可收集嗎?還是因氣量調太小,水位上升不夠所致?
這一款skimmer的氣量應是固定的, 請將進氣管接到污水收集杯
左上方靠右的接頭. 並調節進水量, 讓水位固定在污水收集杯和
主體接觸之防水橡膠環之位置, 此為正確用法!
新缸是打不出東西的, 所以不用緊張!
Because it is a junk, that is why. This skimmer does not work and needs constant adjustment. It is a waste of money IMHO!!
新缸是打不出東西的, 所以不用緊張!
So you are saying that the synthetic sea salt does not contain any major or minor trace elements?? The water is so pure that it does not contain any wastes?? Mind you of the tank cycling process???
It does not matter if a tank is new or not, a skimmer once adjusted correctly, will work no matter what is the length of the tank. This skimmer is a piece of junk, that is why nothing is foaming.
下面引用由sychiu2002/12/31 06:41pm 發表的內容:
新缸三週,rad sea prizm skimmer都只有打出乾淨的水,都沒有收集到任何髒水,請問這是因新缸而無蛋白質可收集嗎?還是因氣量調太小,水位上升不夠所致?
除非你只放海水, 只要是有石頭或砂的缸子, 不管是新舊缸, 應該都會打出東西的, 你可能需要再調整 一下skimmer 的水位, 以出水或進氣量去調整, 嘗試將它調高一點點, 應該會打出東西的
