
有白點 活動力下降 含氧量應該不是最重要的原因吧
如果氧氣不夠 魚應該會游到水面 呼吸急促才是
kan兄, 魚會游到水面, 那已經是末期囉~~~
[這篇文章最後由kan在 2003/01/22 05:55pm 第 2 次編輯]

哈 說的也是 我是直覺想到氧氣不夠魚應該會向上游 呵呵
Skimmer, 打氣機, 增加表面水流, 設置良好的滴流...都可以增加溶氧.
常見的品牌Trera 就有出 O2 Test Kit

Tetratest O2 Oxygen Test Kit
Oxygen is vital for all organisms living in your aquarium or pond. Fish, plants, and microorganisms all require oxygen for respiration. Low oxygen concentrations can cause fish to be increasingly susceptible to disease and cause biological filtration bacteria to work inefficiently. The oxygen concentration in the water of your aquarium or pond is dependent on a number of factors including; temperature (oxygen concentration decreases as temperature increases especially above 80), with overstocking conditions, with heavy amounts of decaying organic matter, and with poor circulation or surface films that interfere with natural gas exchange. Additionally, live plants which use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis during light-hours change over to oxygen respiration at night and actually add to oxygen demand. The Tetratest?O2 was professionally developed to accurately determine the oxygen level of your aquarium water. To ensure optimum water quality, frequent testing is recommended. The kit contains two 9-ml test reagents (#1 and #2), one 10-ml test reagent, a test vial, color scale, instructions and recommendations and 30 tests. Note: For Freshwater (including outdoor ponds), Brackish and Saltwater.
