
TO:Dear Sir


因為此規格是德國所生產的,加上台灣並沒有此規格的庫存,而且德國會要求最少的min order,

As far as I know, yuo do not have the proper ballast to drive Ushio to its full coloring. I would suggest you to do more search before jumping into this. The standard M58 ballast underdrives the Ushio bulbs and may cause them to look yellow. HTH!
Hi, Andrew:
Does the AB ballast (come from original AB lamp set) fit to the Ushio bulb?
thx for the info.
Deer Andrew: so what is the proper ballast for Ushio ??

The reason why the lamp might fail is because a M58 standard ballast can’t provide the proper starting (ignition) voltage. The Ushio 10KK lamp should be used with an lamp ignitor for proper starting.
This is what I found out about hopefully allowing these bulbs to last longer. The bulbs must be ventilated good hour before firing. If not then some have the potential of going bad. Due to the fact that MH bulbs are not meant to be run in the environment that we subject them to. Also look on the bulb. There is a number that indicates I believe what is the bulb manufacture date. The 9-00 series and the 10 -00 series are especially known to prematurely burn out.
The M135 will operate and start the Ushio 10KK lamp but will underdrive it a little. The standard M59 also underdrives the lamp. This lamp is designed for a European medium-high current reactor ballast plus an ignitor. An North American equivalent ballast should be coming out sometime in the future.
Hi, Andrew:
Does the AB ballast (come from original AB lamp set) fit to the Ushio bulb?
thx for the info.
I am not sure, but you can check the ballast to see what kind it is and let me know. I will then run a check for you with my data sheet to see if it will drive the Ushio bulb correctly.
