[這篇文章最後由Cat在 2003/01/24 02:26pm 第 1 次編輯]
不過您是否曾經和小弟的感覺一樣? 碘添加劑是加心安的, 看不出有何明顯功效!
以下摘錄一些廠商對其碘添加劑的介紹, 其中有些說明還值得一看
Although present in salt mixes, iodine is rapidly used up in the system,
and removed through protein skimming, ozone and filtration. Super Iodine
Supplement supplies iodine needed for proper growth and health of
invertebrates and algae. It contains a safe, stabilized form of iodine
which will not destroy system bacteria, as some competing products will.
It contains no organic forms of iodine which can pollute the system.
Kent Marine Super Iodine Supplement is a proven performer!
大意是說在我們的魚缸中使用的 蛋白除沫器 & 臭氧 & 過濾器 會快速的將碘消耗殆盡
2) AquaCraft
Iodide is essential for the growth of all corals. Iodide is fundamental
to proper Redox potential. Iodide is consumed by a variety of corals and
can also be removed by protein skimming and contact with carbons and some
filter resins. It is essential to: a) use a marine salt that contains bromide
in order to allow captive marine pets to metabolize iodide. See Importance of
Bromide. b) replenish this basic ion in heavily stocked coral reef tanks.
大意是說碘為所有珊瑚生長所須的基本元素, 它會被生物及過濾系統消耗
3)Two Little Fishies
Iodide and iodine supplement made from potassium iodide and seaweed extracts.
Use this supplement to provide an extra boost of this important element and
observe the positive effects. Great for growing Xenia, other soft corals and
delicate red and brown seaweeds
Natural seawater contains an average iodine concentration of about 60 mg/l
(including all detectable iodine compounds). This corresponds to a rough
”standard value” for natural seawater not exposed to any reef influences.
In reef areas close to the coast, the iodine values are considerably higher.
On the coast as well as in reef zones, these values are substantially higher
due to the decomposition of algae and the release of the iodine concentrations
accumulated in them. For this reason, the iodine concentration in the ocean is
distinctly lower then in ocean reef zones.
The element iodine
Iodine can be added to aquarium water in diverse forms; this unfortunately often
greatly simplifies the addition of iodine in reef aquariums without the possible
risks being taken into account.
Important to remember is that iodine in its unstabilised form is an extremely
aggressive and highly volatile halogen element (highly light-sensitive in this form).
In a free or unstable form, iodine can have a disastrous effect on all forms of life
in the aquarium. In this form, it can cause caustic burns and seriously harm
respiratory organs, mucus membranes and tissues. Numerous products available on
the market are based on an unstable and highly volatile iodine compound. An
example is the relatively unstable and therefore often aggressive potassium iodide
solution or simple iodine based alcohol solution.
Unfortunately, plain potassium iodide or iodide solutions are still available,
which can have the aforementioned risks and disadvantages.
大意是說海水平均碘含量為 60 mg/l (包含所有可測的碘複合物),
但在珊瑚礁中由於海藻的分解, 使得碘含量更高,
Reef Iodide is an iodide supplement for those with dense populations of invertebrates
or soft corals. It is also useful in tanks with aggressive skimmers. Reef Iodide is
concentrated at 8,000 mg/L. As little as 1 mL in 160 Liters (40 gallons) will raise
iodide to natural seawater concentration. It is formulated to provide a safe source
of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions.
It is recommended that this product be used with the MultiTest: Iodide test kit to
ensure proper maintenance of iodide levels. 100 mL treats 8,000 L (2,000 gallons).
DIRECTIONS: BEGINNER: Add 2 mL for each 80 L (20 gallons) every other day. Measuring
pipette is included (or cap may be used, 5 mL)
ADVANCED: Add 1 mL for each 80 L (20 gallons) daily to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L.
If necessary, adjust dose so that iodide reads 0.06–0.08 mg/L 6–12 hours after
the last dose. Thereafter, use this dose daily and check iodide twice a month.
EXPERT: After determining the iodide consumption rate, set up a continuous drip system.
Use the following formula to determine how much to add to your top-off water: m=0.5vi
(m=mL of product to add to top off water, v=volume of tank in gallons, i=amount to
raise iodide in mg/L). For example, if you want to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L in a
50 gallon tank, then you would add 0.5x50x0.10=2.5 mL into the top-off water. HINTS:
It is normal for iodide levels to decline after a few days. This results from
utilization and chemical depletion. Therefore, frequency of use will vary with
different reef tanks. Dosing can be adjusted based on coral response. To check iodide
levels use Seachem’s MultiTest: Iodine & Iodide test kit.
在此小弟和大家分享一下自己使用 碘添加劑 & 測試劑 的結果
根據 NSW 海水的標準碘含量為 0.06 mg/l
小弟使用 Seachem 碘測試劑的結果如下
測試劑附的標準液 0.06 mg/l
天然海水 0 mg/l
RO + 海水素 0 mg/l
自來水 NA
..... If a blue color develops now, elemental iodine is indicated.
This should viewed as a hazardous status. Use a dechlorinator
such as XXX to remove elemental iodine.
他說碘含量一測出來就是到達標準, 而且不太會減少....
除非廠商在唬爛, 不然所有的廠商都告訴我們碘會被快速的消耗....
Seachem 碘測試劑的說明書也許就解釋了這種結果,
10 min 約 0.06 mg/l
2 hr 約 0.03 mg/l
4 hr 0 mg/l
這也解釋了為何魚店賣的天然海水或 RO+海水素都測不出碘,
其實就算是天然海水, 也許在離開自然環境後很多元素都會快速消失,
無怪乎照著廠商的建議量添加根本看不出效果, 尤其是有測鎂和鍶的大大們應該更能體會...
但這和添加劑的品牌成份以及魚缸的情況有很大關係, 不可一概而論,
小弟只是提供自己的測試結果和經驗, 不敢保證其正確性, 所以請大家參考就好不要太在意
超量添加會不會造成傷害我不知道, 所以請您不要貿然嘗試,
所以很多大大都已返樸歸真只靠換水, 不再像小弟一樣胡亂添加有的沒的,
這就和有人跟我說他用自來水泡海水素養軟體也OK一樣, 只是小弟還達不到如此境界罷了,
若您能夠控制缸中的營養鹽, 並已找出適合自己魚缸維持 Ca & KH 平衡的方法,
接下來可以考慮郵購一些國內沒有的測試劑來控制鎂, 鍶, 碘的含量, 相信效果是看得出來的.... ^_^
不過您是否曾經和小弟的感覺一樣? 碘添加劑是加心安的, 看不出有何明顯功效!
以下摘錄一些廠商對其碘添加劑的介紹, 其中有些說明還值得一看
Although present in salt mixes, iodine is rapidly used up in the system,
and removed through protein skimming, ozone and filtration. Super Iodine
Supplement supplies iodine needed for proper growth and health of
invertebrates and algae. It contains a safe, stabilized form of iodine
which will not destroy system bacteria, as some competing products will.
It contains no organic forms of iodine which can pollute the system.
Kent Marine Super Iodine Supplement is a proven performer!
大意是說在我們的魚缸中使用的 蛋白除沫器 & 臭氧 & 過濾器 會快速的將碘消耗殆盡
2) AquaCraft
Iodide is essential for the growth of all corals. Iodide is fundamental
to proper Redox potential. Iodide is consumed by a variety of corals and
can also be removed by protein skimming and contact with carbons and some
filter resins. It is essential to: a) use a marine salt that contains bromide
in order to allow captive marine pets to metabolize iodide. See Importance of
Bromide. b) replenish this basic ion in heavily stocked coral reef tanks.
大意是說碘為所有珊瑚生長所須的基本元素, 它會被生物及過濾系統消耗
3)Two Little Fishies
Iodide and iodine supplement made from potassium iodide and seaweed extracts.
Use this supplement to provide an extra boost of this important element and
observe the positive effects. Great for growing Xenia, other soft corals and
delicate red and brown seaweeds
Natural seawater contains an average iodine concentration of about 60 mg/l
(including all detectable iodine compounds). This corresponds to a rough
”standard value” for natural seawater not exposed to any reef influences.
In reef areas close to the coast, the iodine values are considerably higher.
On the coast as well as in reef zones, these values are substantially higher
due to the decomposition of algae and the release of the iodine concentrations
accumulated in them. For this reason, the iodine concentration in the ocean is
distinctly lower then in ocean reef zones.
The element iodine
Iodine can be added to aquarium water in diverse forms; this unfortunately often
greatly simplifies the addition of iodine in reef aquariums without the possible
risks being taken into account.
Important to remember is that iodine in its unstabilised form is an extremely
aggressive and highly volatile halogen element (highly light-sensitive in this form).
In a free or unstable form, iodine can have a disastrous effect on all forms of life
in the aquarium. In this form, it can cause caustic burns and seriously harm
respiratory organs, mucus membranes and tissues. Numerous products available on
the market are based on an unstable and highly volatile iodine compound. An
example is the relatively unstable and therefore often aggressive potassium iodide
solution or simple iodine based alcohol solution.
Unfortunately, plain potassium iodide or iodide solutions are still available,
which can have the aforementioned risks and disadvantages.
大意是說海水平均碘含量為 60 mg/l (包含所有可測的碘複合物),
但在珊瑚礁中由於海藻的分解, 使得碘含量更高,
Reef Iodide is an iodide supplement for those with dense populations of invertebrates
or soft corals. It is also useful in tanks with aggressive skimmers. Reef Iodide is
concentrated at 8,000 mg/L. As little as 1 mL in 160 Liters (40 gallons) will raise
iodide to natural seawater concentration. It is formulated to provide a safe source
of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions.
It is recommended that this product be used with the MultiTest: Iodide test kit to
ensure proper maintenance of iodide levels. 100 mL treats 8,000 L (2,000 gallons).
DIRECTIONS: BEGINNER: Add 2 mL for each 80 L (20 gallons) every other day. Measuring
pipette is included (or cap may be used, 5 mL)
ADVANCED: Add 1 mL for each 80 L (20 gallons) daily to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L.
If necessary, adjust dose so that iodide reads 0.06–0.08 mg/L 6–12 hours after
the last dose. Thereafter, use this dose daily and check iodide twice a month.
EXPERT: After determining the iodide consumption rate, set up a continuous drip system.
Use the following formula to determine how much to add to your top-off water: m=0.5vi
(m=mL of product to add to top off water, v=volume of tank in gallons, i=amount to
raise iodide in mg/L). For example, if you want to raise iodide by 0.10 mg/L in a
50 gallon tank, then you would add 0.5x50x0.10=2.5 mL into the top-off water. HINTS:
It is normal for iodide levels to decline after a few days. This results from
utilization and chemical depletion. Therefore, frequency of use will vary with
different reef tanks. Dosing can be adjusted based on coral response. To check iodide
levels use Seachem’s MultiTest: Iodine & Iodide test kit.
在此小弟和大家分享一下自己使用 碘添加劑 & 測試劑 的結果
根據 NSW 海水的標準碘含量為 0.06 mg/l
小弟使用 Seachem 碘測試劑的結果如下
測試劑附的標準液 0.06 mg/l
天然海水 0 mg/l
RO + 海水素 0 mg/l
自來水 NA
..... If a blue color develops now, elemental iodine is indicated.
This should viewed as a hazardous status. Use a dechlorinator
such as XXX to remove elemental iodine.
他說碘含量一測出來就是到達標準, 而且不太會減少....
除非廠商在唬爛, 不然所有的廠商都告訴我們碘會被快速的消耗....
Seachem 碘測試劑的說明書也許就解釋了這種結果,
10 min 約 0.06 mg/l
2 hr 約 0.03 mg/l
4 hr 0 mg/l
這也解釋了為何魚店賣的天然海水或 RO+海水素都測不出碘,
其實就算是天然海水, 也許在離開自然環境後很多元素都會快速消失,
無怪乎照著廠商的建議量添加根本看不出效果, 尤其是有測鎂和鍶的大大們應該更能體會...
但這和添加劑的品牌成份以及魚缸的情況有很大關係, 不可一概而論,
小弟只是提供自己的測試結果和經驗, 不敢保證其正確性, 所以請大家參考就好不要太在意
超量添加會不會造成傷害我不知道, 所以請您不要貿然嘗試,
所以很多大大都已返樸歸真只靠換水, 不再像小弟一樣胡亂添加有的沒的,
這就和有人跟我說他用自來水泡海水素養軟體也OK一樣, 只是小弟還達不到如此境界罷了,
若您能夠控制缸中的營養鹽, 並已找出適合自己魚缸維持 Ca & KH 平衡的方法,
接下來可以考慮郵購一些國內沒有的測試劑來控制鎂, 鍶, 碘的含量, 相信效果是看得出來的.... ^_^
