[這篇文章最後由sylphid在 2004/09/18 05:33pm 第 1 次編輯]
昨天寫信問Seachem 他們的淡水水草鐵劑"Flourish Iron"適不適合在海水藻缸添加
"Iron exists as a trace mineral in saltwater (0.01 mg/l). If you opt
to dose iron to a saltwater aquarium resulting in any significant
amount, you run the risk of causing a precipitation. Iron and your
carbonate alkalinity have an affinity for one another and if one of
these constituents exists at elevated levels (like iron for example),
it will simply "grab" the other and pull it out of solution
(precipitate it out of solution) in the form of iron carbonate. My
best advice is to us a trace mineral supplement, like our Reef Plus,
that has the proper trace mineral quantities of iron to avoid the
possibility of a precipitation.
A side note worth mentioning, there are some iron supplements geared
towards saltwater aquariums but these iron supplements are EDTA
chelated. EDTA chelated supplements are less likely to precipitate
out because they are bound to a chelate. But the fact that they are
bound to a strong chelating agent like EDTA is the same thing that
makes them unavailable to flora (the fact that they are already
strongly bound). When the EDTA chelate breaks down, the amount of
iron that is freed will then likely precipitate out of solution as
mentioned above. Again, my best advice is to use a trace mineral
supplement that has the proper trace mineral quantities of iron (like
our Reef Plus)."
我大概看了一下 意思是在海水添加鐵如果量沒控制好 會造成碳酸鐵或碳酸鉀的沈澱
另外就是說一般的EDTA螫合鐵植物並不好吸收 然後是推薦用他們的"Reef Plus"海水元素添加劑
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