
KZ系統/ AF系統/ 各類添加劑/ 設備耗材
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    [贈送][高雄大寮][自取] 3呎缸

    还在那儿 ?
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    Still there ?
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    We go together? I can snorkel and catch !
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    add me moolie6
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    foreign friends club

    Anyone have any chaeto algae or macro algae for my sump ?
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    Can I join ?
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    Cn I join the group?
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    foreign friends club

    Anyone from Tainan ?
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    foreign friends club

    I bought some amazing frags from this man ! THANK YOU !He was very friendly and we spoke about fish and corals for about an hour !
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    foreign friends club

    Thank you!
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    foreign friends club

    Any idea where i can get live foods from? Also some frozen mysis ?
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    foreign friends club

    Thanks you ,yes i am in Tainan.I will go look thanks!
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    foreign friends club

    Anyone sell frags of corals?
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    foreign friends club

    Thanks gentlemen appreciate the help.
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    foreign friends club

    Thanks david! Anyone have chaeto algae i good buy or even any other macro algae for a refugium?
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    foreign friends club

    Do the water stations produce RO water? I see there are 3 option 40 NT,30NT and 20NT.Please help haha.bought some red sea salt mix.
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