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foreign friends club

NBL 潘朵拉菌、希瓦氏菌、Goretos高爾多斯系列飼料、Lucia 露西亞珊瑚飼料
經銷、販售 聯繫電話:886-7-7930233
If you opt for the good-ol' C. racemosa (Grape caulerpa), I think most stores do carry them.

But if you insist on Chaeto, then you will have to ask around or go to the 徵求 section to try your luck.
Anyone sell frags of corals?

Are you in Tainan?
if you are , you can go to 大力珊瑚工坊 which is located in 文賢路 ,very close to Costco. the owner of the store is doing coral stuffs on the side, there are many SPS frags to choose from,and some LPS. when you get there ,you will see a car wash & polish store. the frag tanks and his display tank is inside the store.
address: 台南市北區文賢路1030巷5 號

Thanks you ,yes i am in Tainan.I will go look thanks!
Any idea where i can get live foods from? Also some frozen mysis ?
Any idea where i can get live foods from? Also some frozen mysis ?
If you want to feed live food,
Why don't you hatch brine shrimp egg yourself?
Live foods are expensive to me.you can search 大洋藻類for variety of live foods. And as for frozen food,I think most fish store can offer that.
A couple years ago, I can still find occasionally live brine shrimp in LFS, but not any more recently. Maybe hatch yourself like David suggested. Frozen food is good enough to me, and only feed my fish once a week due to the cost comparison to dry food.

Give 大洋藻類 小周 a call, maybe some good findings there.
We do speak English and Japanese. Welcome visit us in Taichung. ^^
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