pineapple42 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/10/24 文章 2,721 按讚 4 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南市 金幣 10 魚缸大小 280cm in length 系統類別 底部and側部過濾 生物種類 徧愛神仙 2009/12/21 #205 西非已掛,繳學費不是只有你,我也很痛,尤其是我女兒以不屑的眼神看我....爸養魚的技術真爛
OP H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 註冊時間 2009/03/30 文章 607 按讚 0 經驗點數 451 金幣 0 2009/12/21 #206 pineapple42 說: 西非已掛,繳學費不是只有你,我也很痛,尤其是我女兒以不屑的眼神看我....爸養魚的技術真爛 按一下展開…… I will not say anything about 痛 if Doctor Ma is claiming the title..... you deserve more comfort than me... again.. I am going with my plan now... re-engineering my tank,, My water is getting crystal clear now... no feeding for my fish for 48 hours.. I want better water quality before I do the re engineering.
pineapple42 說: 西非已掛,繳學費不是只有你,我也很痛,尤其是我女兒以不屑的眼神看我....爸養魚的技術真爛 按一下展開…… I will not say anything about 痛 if Doctor Ma is claiming the title..... you deserve more comfort than me... again.. I am going with my plan now... re-engineering my tank,, My water is getting crystal clear now... no feeding for my fish for 48 hours.. I want better water quality before I do the re engineering.
mywifeisruru 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/06/09 文章 2,283 按讚 18 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南/湖內 金幣 62 2009/12/22 #207 hellmaker 說: it is growing bigger now... from 7cm to 9cm today... ( more than 30 days in my tank ).. I will send you a separate email on the pricing.. this fish is kind a big brother in my tank.... it beats up my purple tang.. and 5 cm of " chicken heart" tang. Sometime, he will challenge my 20+cm half moon.. 按一下展開…… ooo..sh?t.. I have order a " chicken heart" tang(about 12~13cm) already!! and I plan to order a black tank next week!! Will they fight?? How big should I choice the size of black tank ?? 最後編輯: 2009/12/22
hellmaker 說: it is growing bigger now... from 7cm to 9cm today... ( more than 30 days in my tank ).. I will send you a separate email on the pricing.. this fish is kind a big brother in my tank.... it beats up my purple tang.. and 5 cm of " chicken heart" tang. Sometime, he will challenge my 20+cm half moon.. 按一下展開…… ooo..sh?t.. I have order a " chicken heart" tang(about 12~13cm) already!! and I plan to order a black tank next week!! Will they fight?? How big should I choice the size of black tank ??
OP H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 註冊時間 2009/03/30 文章 607 按讚 0 經驗點數 451 金幣 0 2009/12/22 #208 ohhhh.. 2 hawaii tangs......hard to say..who will win.
mywifeisruru 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/06/09 文章 2,283 按讚 18 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南/湖內 金幣 62 2009/12/22 #209 hellmaker 說: ohhhh.. 2 hawaii tangs......hard to say..who will win. 按一下展開…… Aquarium suggest me choice bigger black tank about 15~18cm.. Is it ok??
hellmaker 說: ohhhh.. 2 hawaii tangs......hard to say..who will win. 按一下展開…… Aquarium suggest me choice bigger black tank about 15~18cm.. Is it ok??
OP H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 註冊時間 2009/03/30 文章 607 按讚 0 經驗點數 451 金幣 0 2009/12/22 #210 yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang
yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang
Jason555 🏆🏆🏆🏅 註冊時間 2005/06/13 文章 3,445 按讚 31 經驗點數 3,056 金幣 572 2009/12/22 #211 小蒙失敗,再去弄一隻小怪來試試看 不行,就只能嘗試小橙囉 呵呵
a8006877 🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2009/02/28 文章 1,444 按讚 1 經驗點數 1,001 位置 桃園 金幣 5 魚缸大小 兩呎 系統類別 底部過濾 生物種類 Fish & LPS 魚缸資料簡介 http://ph84.idv.tw/vbb/showthread.php?t=197165 2009/12/22 #212 hellmaker 說: yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang 按一下展開…… 呵呵大大你跟馬大的對話好好笑喔 Chicken heart 是指雞心嗎
hellmaker 說: yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang 按一下展開…… 呵呵大大你跟馬大的對話好好笑喔 Chicken heart 是指雞心嗎
mywifeisruru 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/06/09 文章 2,283 按讚 18 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南/湖內 金幣 62 2009/12/22 #213 hellmaker 說: yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang 按一下展開…… Ai~ The fish and the bear's paws(naother fish) cannot have both !!
hellmaker 說: yes.. but you are unlikely to add more tangs into your tank in the future because black tang will kick other tang's ass. Chicken heart is hard to survive in the tank --> most of the time.. I will suggest you to buy black tang 按一下展開…… Ai~ The fish and the bear's paws(naother fish) cannot have both !!
mywifeisruru 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/06/09 文章 2,283 按讚 18 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南/湖內 金幣 62 2009/12/22 #214 a8006877 說: 呵呵大大你跟馬大的對話好好笑喔 Chicken heart 是指雞心嗎 按一下展開…… Chicken heart =Acanthurus achilles .. 我也感覺很好笑ㄚ!! 只是差一點想要把black tang 講成 Blue velvet...
a8006877 說: 呵呵大大你跟馬大的對話好好笑喔 Chicken heart 是指雞心嗎 按一下展開…… Chicken heart =Acanthurus achilles .. 我也感覺很好笑ㄚ!! 只是差一點想要把black tang 講成 Blue velvet...
blackdevil 🏆🏆🏆🏅 註冊時間 2009/02/10 文章 3,934 按讚 0 經驗點數 3,001 位置 台北永和 金幣 0 魚缸大小 4呎 系統類別 滴流背濾加薄底砂 生物種類 混養缸 2009/12/22 #215 mywifeisruru 說: Chicken heart =Acanthurus achilles .. 我也感覺很好笑ㄚ!! 只是差一點想要把black tang 講成 Blue velvet... 按一下展開…… 這樣比較容易懂說
mywifeisruru 說: Chicken heart =Acanthurus achilles .. 我也感覺很好笑ㄚ!! 只是差一點想要把black tang 講成 Blue velvet... 按一下展開…… 這樣比較容易懂說
mywifeisruru 🏆🏅🏅🏅 註冊時間 2007/06/09 文章 2,283 按讚 18 經驗點數 2,006 位置 台南/湖內 金幣 62 2009/12/22 #216 blackdevil 說: 這樣比較容易懂說 按一下展開…… +1 講什麼都沒關係..能溝通就好啦!!