FO forever

Line ID: jameslin18




I buy them at the same time...

orange eats a lot..
bandit slowly.... should be fine..

more orange !!!!
My bandit just passed away suddenly,may be due to internal infection.:em10: :em10:
Dr ma :

feel bad for your bandit......... bandit is bandit... you never know ..
it is a challenging fish.....

I will recommend orange & PK for long term keeper....

fishes like
" strange face "
chicken heart...

they just die in a short term... there is not much exception..... may be 5~10% only...

I am not expecting my bandit to live very long..
I sold most of my fishes recently..... and exchange for orange and bandit....
after almost 1 years of FO experience I think orange and bandit are the best fishes
for FO to me .. ( I still think bandit is hard to keep.....I am prepared that bandit will
die soon )..most of hawaii fishes are hard to keep.....except the black tang:em04:

I do not know why.. but my black tang is strong like hell......may be stronger than the
gold fish.... if you are interested to get a black tang... should buy from me ...
it is the toughest fish that I have ever seen :em17:

orange is my ultimate marine fish already.... I love it.. specially when you see its color
under my own designed blue LED light.:em09::em09::em09::em09:.

My tank is 70% re-engineered already.... except the protein skimmer... I still prefer west germany skimmer.... but I just can not spend that much of money in this tank now..

Yes.. like Master huang.. I am planning for new bigger tank.... give me few more month
:em01::em01::em01: I want germany glass for my tank too !!!!!

you are too late to tell me you want to sell black tang,because I just reserved one

12cm from store.:em08: :em08:

wish to watch your Led lighting orange picture asap.:em03: :em03:
you should not reserve that black tang my friend..

I will give you a very very special price !!!!!!!!

Yes.. very cheap ~~
anyone has good experience with bandit ?

my bandit is still ok swimming around but stop eating recently..

god.. this fish is really challenging...

Please let me know if tips of providing a good environment for it.

Ph.8.2 KH 12~14 RPM 240 temperature : 22C

Please help me...~~~

I only have 4 fishes in my tank now.. Orange/Bandit/1 halfmoon /Grey tang.
you should consult 黃兄 (sapi918),he is professional of bandit.
我才死一隻black tang而已




哪些魚要賣,我也要special price!! FRIEND~~~~~~呵呵
this morning, I see bandit park somewhere...when I go near, it swims away..

I hope it is because the water is too cold and it is sleeping ( 18~19 degree C )...

anyway, let the fate decides.. I will try to provide the best environment for it.
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