Anyone in anping collect fish from the sea?
D dale6 🔰 註冊時間 2016/05/16 文章 65 按讚 0 經驗點數 1 位置 hi 金幣 68 2017/04/19 #6,217 Anyone in anping collect fish from the sea?
davidsu 🏅🏅🔰 註冊時間 2010/06/27 文章 511 按讚 8 經驗點數 456 位置 台南市 金幣 57 魚缸大小 主缸115X53X53cm + 75X40X42cm底缸過濾 系統類別 SPS+混養 生物種類 黑邊 畢卡索半黑 雪印 紫倒吊 魚缸資料簡介 底缸過濾 (Herbie overflow無聲溢流) 主馬 KRAKEN 6500 Eden加熱棒300W JNS CO2 蛋白 Maxspect Gyre maxspect razor420 180W fishcooler(阿提卡) 1/5hp 2017/04/20 #6,218 dale6 說: Anyone in anping collect fish from the sea? 按一下展開…… I never heard of anyone i know who is doing this. in comparion,the pricing of aquatic livestock in Taiwan is not very expensive. you can take a look from fishstores in Tainan. if you dont know where ,just ask. welcome to join this forum!
dale6 說: Anyone in anping collect fish from the sea? 按一下展開…… I never heard of anyone i know who is doing this. in comparion,the pricing of aquatic livestock in Taiwan is not very expensive. you can take a look from fishstores in Tainan. if you dont know where ,just ask. welcome to join this forum!
G gammas 🔰 註冊時間 2016/12/06 文章 12 按讚 4 經驗點數 6 位置 台南 金幣 15 魚缸大小 三尺底濾缸 系統類別 底部過濾 生物種類 海水魚蝦軟體混養缸 2017/05/06 #6,219 我找不到台南的LINE群組 創了一個 開放式的 歡迎各位前輩 加入 交流喔
U uberty 🔰 註冊時間 2013/08/18 文章 58 按讚 0 經驗點數 1 位置 台南永康 金幣 9 魚缸大小 66*45*45 2017/05/08 #6,220 台南永康,請多指教,謝謝