Restor 珊瑚勝地 Advanced Coral Tissue Supplement for all Corals & Their Allies
Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration.
Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged exposure to excessive water temperature (often resulting in “bleaching”).
Aids in tissue repair after corals have undergone fragmenting and captive propagation.
Potassium Solution Primarly for Reef Aquaria Housing SPS Corals 鉀溶液用於礁岩系統
Highly-concentrated ionic potassium solution.
Provides potassium, an important component of aragonite (the mineral secreted as
skeletal material by corals and other reef-building marine organisms), complexed into pigments that enhance blue coloration of some small-polyp stony corals, important to proper neurological function, and depleted in marine aquaria by livestock.
提供鉀元素,霰石的重要組成部分, 促進一部份藍色SPS的顏色增豔.
[*]80,000 ppm K; considerably stronger and more economical than competing potassium products.
80,000 ppm K;比其他品牌更經濟的選擇
[*]May be used to combat potassium depletion that often accompanies the use of zeolite-based filtration methods employed to maintain ultra-low-nutrient aquaria.
[*]Formulated by a marine scientist.
Potassium Supplement primarily for reef aquaria housing SPS corals 鉀元素用於礁岩系統
Blend of high-purity powdered potassium, an important component of aragonite (the mineral secreted as skeletal material by corals and other reef-building marine organisms), complexed into pigments that enhance blue coloration of some small-polyp stony corals, important to proper neurological function, and depleted in marine aquaria by livestock.
高純度混合鉀粉, 霰石的重要組成部分, 促進一部份藍色SPS的顏色增豔.
May be used to combat potassium depletion that often accompanies the use of zeolite-based filtration methods employed to maintain ultra-low-nutrient aquaria.
Considerably stronger and more economical than liquid potassium solutions; created for hobbyists maintaining multiple reef aquaria.