water for new tank

  • 主題發起人 DrSnake
  • 開始日期
  • 關注者 0


hi there,
any additional water conditioning solutions do U use when U set up a new tank for coral?
I was told by those shopkeeper that I should not add any thing extra as it may be toxic to the coral, but I can see there is much discussion concerning the water conditioning additves in this site. Could anyone help me to clearify this point?
thank you again,
and sorry that I don't know how to try in CHinese character...
Dear Dr snake
What kinfd of water you use as the base for making your tank sea water ? tape water or RO? if you are using tape water, water condiitoner is essential.
to KHU.
I will be using tape water because of financial concern... poor.
I do bought some kind of water conditioning solution, it was SERA's 5-in-1 water conditioner
(1. remove harmful chlorine and chloramine
2. Alleviate stress
3. Blind heavy metal
4. Protect the mucous membrane
5. water clarifier)
would this be OK? and I can see there are soooo many different band's of additives to coral reef and what are the essentials for beginner... would U pls also tell me the brand name as the price for different brands are very different and I don't know which of them are reliable.
If U don't want to post the brand name, pls send me private messages in the board.
THANKS and thanks and thanks again!!!
I would suggest you to check withthe HK EPA for water analysis of your area. I am not familiar with the names of the conditioner you are using but I think you can get a simple RO unit at a reasonable price. For initial set up I think using the RO water would be essential because you will go through different stages of algae bloom. Excessive nutrients would prolong the algae cycle. HTH!
To andrew,
I am sorry that althought I live in HK, I don't know what is HKEPA means, is it a society or association or what? pls give me more detail if it is available... thank you!
and converning the RO, what's the major advantage when compare with tape water plus water conditioner? but the major problem is I don't know where to get it...
Environmental Protection Agency. They should have the water data concerning your tap water.
When adding the so called water conditioner, yuo are only getting rid of the ammonia and chlorine. Other harmful nurtrients are still within your water which is harmful to reef animals. Don't you have a street in HK full of fish stores?? Sorry I cannot remember the name of it. They should have a simple RO system. Do you have Home Depot in HK?? The large home improvement center?? They also sell RO unit in their plumbing/kitchen sections. These RO units might not be as sophisticated as the aquarium industry ones but will do the job for you. OK?? HTH!
Hi there,
Finally, I got an access to the one of the most sophisticated RO system in Hong Kong. Haha, guess what? I have phoned the major university hospital's Biochem Lab and asked the chemist to provide me with some as I know the RO water there should be the most pure as it is used for intravenous injection for patient...
The chemist was so nice that he will provide me with what I need, and most importantly... free of charge!!
So, another problem comes... do I need other suppliment for the RO water otherthen the artifical salt? I am afraid the water is too pure that it lacks the vital essential element in sea water.
No need, Try Tropic Marine sea salt. make sure you circulate the newly mixed saltwarter overnight with a powerhead and raise the temperature, OK??
thank you.
one more silly question..
as I am going to place live sand and rocks into the tank, should I mix the water and let it run for a few days before I introduce the live sand and Rock? as I am afriad the newly mixed water may needs some time to settle before the bacteria and alga etc will be able to live in it.
But all books said that I should place the sand bed 1st before I add water...?
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