
  • 主題發起人 aquabook
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[這篇文章最後由aquabook在 2009/05/05 00:21am 第 3 次編輯]




-=-=-=- 以下內容由 aquabook2009年05月04日 11:43pm 時新增 -=-=-=-
Family: Poritidae
Polyp Size: LPS - Large polyp stony
Range: South Pacific
Color form : Red
Ideal Supplements: Calcium, Strontium, Trace elements
Reef Compatible: Yes
Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Water Flow: Medium to Strong
Light: High
Dominance: Aggressive
Placement: Low to Medium
Care Level: Difficult

The Goniopora Flower Pot Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral, often referred to as a Ball, Daisy, or Sunflower Coral. The flower names refer to its appearance when all of its polyps are opened. It takes on the visage of a bouquet of flowers. The red form is a bright red color, and illumination by actinic lighting will highlight its true beauty. Once open, the Flower Pot Coral is a gorgeous hard coral with free-flowing short polyps.
It is aggressive, and ample space should be provided between itself and other neighboring corals. Its polyps can extend far past its base into the reef aquarium, where they can sting other species of corals. Clownfish, will often play in its polyps if no anemone can be found in the reef aquarium. This may actually be detrimental to the coral.
Goniopora sp. require PERFECT water conditions, the proper trace elements, and the habitat must match its requirements. In general, the Red form of the Flower Pot Coral does better in an aquarium than other Gonipora sp. However, any damage to the meaty section of the Red Flower Pot Coral almost always means a lost specimen. One can only do this Goniopora Coral justice by leaving its care to the experienced hobbyist with the expertise and time to keep the coral properly.
The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within its body provides the majority of its nutritional requirements from photosynthesis. It should be fed phytoplankton or brine shrimp daily.

-=-=-=- 以下內容由 aquabook2009年05月04日 11:47pm 時新增 -=-=-=-

-=-=-=- 以下內容由 aquabook2009年05月05日 00:20am 時新增 -=-=-=-
學名是Goniopora sp.
野外通常可見於混著的海域, 水質要高營養鹽要低, 但是又要有很多的食物(微生物與細菌膠羽類), 中強光, 中低水流
因為他所需求的環境在密閉系統難以複製, 因此難度相當的高

-=-=-=- 以下內容由 danmhippo2009年05月04日 10:00am 時新增 -=-=-=-
1. 米粉
2. 單苞
阿水管不論是啥麼碗糕, 有哪個不是說 [很好養] 呢?
下面引用由danmhippo2009/05/03 10:05pm 發表的內容:
學名是Goniopora sp.
野外通常可見於混著的海域, 水質要高營養鹽要低, 但是又要有很多的食物(微生物與細菌膠羽類), 中強光, 中低水流
因為他所需求的環境在密閉系統難以複製, 因此難度相當的高
謝謝河馬大大喔~~難度高喔~~天ㄚ!!水管說簡單養ㄟ= = 怎辦!!??我需要怎樣養好牠呢?

-=-=-=- 以下內容由 aquabook2009年05月03日 10:37pm 時新增 -=-=-=-
下面引用由danmhippo2009/05/03 10:05pm 發表的內容:
學名是Goniopora sp.
野外通常可見於混著的海域, 水質要高營養鹽要低, 但是又要有很多的食物(微生物與細菌膠羽類), 中強光, 中低水流
因為他所需求的環境在密閉系統難以複製, 因此難度相當的高-=-=-=- 以下內容 ...
Quick Stats: Flower Pot Coral
Family: Poritidae
Polyp Size: LPS - Large polyp stony
Range: South Pacific
Color form : Red
Ideal Supplements: Calcium, Strontium, Trace elements
Reef Compatible: Yes
Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Water Flow: Medium to Strong
Light: High
Dominance: Aggressive
Placement: Low to Medium
Care Level: Difficult
下面引用由danmhippo2009/05/03 10:05pm 發表的內容:
學名是Goniopora sp.
野外通常可見於混著的海域, 水質要高營養鹽要低, 但是又要有很多的食物(微生物與細菌膠羽類), 中強光, 中低水流
因為他所需求的環境在密閉系統難以複製, 因此難度相當的高-=-=-=- 以下內容 ...
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