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台灣總代理 海洋夢水族館


雪梨 < > 台北
養一個月的黃火箭跟紅蝶都開口從主缸放到水桶會吃嗎? 還是會收口呢?

想說試一下 國外說的 "3天換缸方式" 來治白點... 沒有多的缸 想說用水桶...
想說試一下 國外說的 "3天換缸方式" 來治白點... 沒有多的缸 想說用水桶...

養一個月的黃火箭跟紅蝶都開口從主缸放到水桶會吃嗎? 還是會收口呢?





這是我看到的... REEFPEDIA

The procedure for treatment is as follows:[1]

1.Day 0 - place fish within Tank 1.
2.Day 3 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 1 and place in Tank 2, clean Tank 1 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
3.Day 6 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 2 and place in Tank 1, clean Tank 2 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
4.Day 9 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 1 and place in Tank 2, clean Tank 1 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
5.Day 12 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 2 and place in Tank 1.

By the time the fish reaches the final step, when it is returned to Tank 1 for the for the third time, it will be totally free of Cryptocaryon.

The tank has to be dry for at least 24 hours to ensure any tomonts are killed. So this means that any biological filtration is not possible within the tanks being used, other than what is present in the first cycle for both tanks (since after that, tank will be dried and all the bacteria will be killed). Only way to get around this is to either change water to keep ammonia levels under control or transfer some biological filtration over from existing systems which are known not to carry the parasite.[1] If this last option is done, then need to ensure that cross contamination does not happen once the media has been used within one of the treatment tanks.

The life cycle takes approximately 9 to 10 days at 24 to 25oC to complete[1] and is as follows[1]:

1.Trophonts, parasitic stage, 3 to 7 days with peak at 4 to 5 days. Parasite attaches itself to the fish and burrows its way underneath the skin where it feeds on tissue debris and body fluids.
2.Mature, disassociation stage, up to 18 hours. Upon maturing, the trophont leaves the host, sinks to the substrate and actively probes it for several hours.
3.Tomonts, reproductive stage, 3 to 28 days with peak at 4 to 8 days. Mature stage then creates a cyst and starts to reproduce and divides several times.
4.Theronts, infective stage, 24 to 48 hours. The cyst ruptures and releases the free swimming tomites (up to 200) which differentiate into theronts and then have to find a host within 2 days. Failure to find a suitable fish host ends in death of the theront.


1.第0天 - 把魚放在缸A
2.第3天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從A缸 移到 B缸, 洗A缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
3.第6天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從B缸 移到 A缸, 洗B缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
4.第9天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從A缸 移到 B缸, 洗A缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
5.第12天 -3天後 (72小時), 把魚從B缸 移到 A缸, 洗B缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)

小弟覺得3天換缸方式 可行. 只是大部分人都沒有多餘的缸子利用

因為白點生命CYCLE是有4個階段. 週期是9-10天 24-25度水溫
1.Trophonts - 寄生在魚身上, 3-7天. 巔峰在是 4-5天. 白點鑽到魚鱗下寄生.
2. Mature - 白點離開宿主 時間長達18小時. 白點沉到活時或底沙內
3. Tomonts - 繁殖期長達 3-28天, 巔峰在是 4-5天. 成熟後囊胞會在分裂更多
4. Theronts - 感染期 24-48小時. 囊胞放出小白點 (高達200隻), 2天內需要找到宿主不然會死亡.

如果有白點的魚抓出放A缸3天 (1.Trophonts 寄生在魚身上, 3-7天. 巔峰在是 4-5天). 因該沒有全部掉落 (但是掉落的3天後會被換缸換掉沖洗掉)
當你把魚從A缸移到B缸時(3天後) 還寄身在魚身上的會再次試著掉落, 掉落的會被換缸換掉沖洗掉.

再把魚從B缸移到A缸, 還寄身在魚身上的會再次試著掉落 這時已經是第6天完畢
再把魚從A缸移到B缸 完畢後是9天了(1.Trophonts 寄生是3-7天). 所以9天後因該於是沒有白點了.
再把魚從B缸移到A缸 魚就已經是乾淨的了!

因為覺得HYPO 魚也許會退色, 再調高比重魚可以又不適應收口. 因數太多... 才想要改別的方式.
最大的問題是 魚可能很穩...

不然撈來撈去..一下子 嚇到就收口啦..
這是我看到的... REEFPEDIA

The procedure for treatment is as follows:[1]

1.Day 0 - place fish within Tank 1.
2.Day 3 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 1 and place in Tank 2, clean Tank 1 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
3.Day 6 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 2 and place in Tank 1, clean Tank 2 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
4.Day 9 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 1 and place in Tank 2, clean Tank 1 thoroughly and allow to be dry for at least 1 day (24 hours).
5.Day 12 - after 3 days (72 hours) remove the fish from Tank 2 and place in Tank 1.

By the time the fish reaches the final step, when it is returned to Tank 1 for the for the third time, it will be totally free of Cryptocaryon.

The tank has to be dry for at least 24 hours to ensure any tomonts are killed. So this means that any biological filtration is not possible within the tanks being used, other than what is present in the first cycle for both tanks (since after that, tank will be dried and all the bacteria will be killed). Only way to get around this is to either change water to keep ammonia levels under control or transfer some biological filtration over from existing systems which are known not to carry the parasite.[1] If this last option is done, then need to ensure that cross contamination does not happen once the media has been used within one of the treatment tanks.

The life cycle takes approximately 9 to 10 days at 24 to 25oC to complete[1] and is as follows[1]:

1.Trophonts, parasitic stage, 3 to 7 days with peak at 4 to 5 days. Parasite attaches itself to the fish and burrows its way underneath the skin where it feeds on tissue debris and body fluids.
2.Mature, disassociation stage, up to 18 hours. Upon maturing, the trophont leaves the host, sinks to the substrate and actively probes it for several hours.
3.Tomonts, reproductive stage, 3 to 28 days with peak at 4 to 8 days. Mature stage then creates a cyst and starts to reproduce and divides several times.
4.Theronts, infective stage, 24 to 48 hours. The cyst ruptures and releases the free swimming tomites (up to 200) which differentiate into theronts and then have to find a host within 2 days. Failure to find a suitable fish host ends in death of the theront.


1.第0天 - 把魚放在缸A
2.第3天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從A缸 移到 B缸, 洗A缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
3.第6天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從B缸 移到 A缸, 洗B缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
4.第9天 - 3天後 (72小時), 把魚從A缸 移到 B缸, 洗A缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)
5.第12天 -3天後 (72小時), 把魚從B缸 移到 A缸, 洗B缸. 風乾至少1天(24小時)

小弟覺得3天換缸方式 可行. 只是大部分人都沒有多餘的缸子利用

因為白點生命CYCLE是有4個階段. 週期是9-10天 24-25度水溫
1.Trophonts - 寄生在魚身上, 3-7天. 巔峰在是 4-5天. 白點鑽到魚鱗下寄生.
2. Mature - 白點離開宿主 時間長達18小時. 白點沉到活時或底沙內
3. Tomonts - 繁殖期長達 3-28天, 巔峰在是 4-5天. 成熟後囊胞會在分裂更多
4. Theronts - 感染期 24-48小時. 囊胞放出小白點 (高達200隻), 2天內需要找到宿主不然會死亡.

如果有白點的魚抓出放A缸3天 (1.Trophonts 寄生在魚身上, 3-7天. 巔峰在是 4-5天). 因該沒有全部掉落 (但是掉落的3天後會被換缸換掉沖洗掉)
當你把魚從A缸移到B缸時(3天後) 還寄身在魚身上的會再次試著掉落, 掉落的會被換缸換掉沖洗掉.

再把魚從B缸移到A缸, 還寄身在魚身上的會再次試著掉落 這時已經是第6天完畢
再把魚從A缸移到B缸 完畢後是9天了(1.Trophonts 寄生是3-7天). 所以9天後因該於是沒有白點了.
再把魚從B缸移到A缸 魚就已經是乾淨的了!

因為覺得HYPO 魚也許會退色, 再調高比重魚可以又不適應收口. 因數太多... 才想要改別的方式.

是的.. 國外很喜歡用這種比較"自然" 的方式..

但是開口的穩魚可能比較有機會. 如果是新魚一進來就餓個12天可能會撐不過去...
這AB桶也行之有年了~~不普遍是因為~水桶或是簡易缸兩個~少說也20L~40L 整個流程下來要換 100~200L海水~累~更何況海水或海水素不是不用錢~也不是馬上泡就可以用~有效是有效~很麻煩~我試過
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