
專營海水觀賞魚販售 線上完整魚隻圖片 透明公開報價
小張 聯絡電話: 0910882971
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有著通透、有著寧靜、有著和諧、有著我所喜愛 ADA 的藝術感。
Thanks for the warm welcome! I do water change weekly and I'll siphon out the deritus collected on the sand bed. But there's good flow in the tank, so most of the deritus goes right down to the sump. The tank is a little more than a month, pretty new. Coping well at the moment!

So, it does take a lot of work to maintain. I also set up a new fish tank recently but eventually decided not to lay the sand bed because all the intimidating maintenance efforts it requires. Good job and thanks for sharing the beautiful tank again. Please keep updating us!
人美 魚缸也美 !! 都加分!!
通透寧靜的缸 漂亮喔~~~~

But 人生最多就是這個but

the girl is better:em04:
讚 ~~~ 整缸 真是清爽 ~~~
nice pics of the corals, but the tank is still very empty. lets stock it up. :em01:
Your beautiful fish tank , I like it :em09:
Very special style :em03:
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真的很美, 要好好學習才行, 才養魚一個多月, 還有很多東西要學, 加油
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