It is brown jelly. Caused by a protozoan named Helicostoma nonatum. Current theory is that bacteria infection or physical injury created the initial insult.
No! Do not bring this coral to the strong current area in you tank and blown off the dead tissue. The inffected tissue might land on your healthy corals and spread the disease in your tank.
Use an airline tubing, suck off the "jelly", then get a container of freshwater and dip the coral in it for one minute. Make sure that the temperture of the freshwater is the same as your display tank. There is no need to adjust the pH. The theory is that the osmotic shock from the freshwater dip will effectively killed the protozoan and bacteria.
If you have a separate holding tank, place the coral in it and provide fresh saltwater with good circulation, do 10% water change untile the coral show signs of good health. Provide moderate lighting with regular cycle. If you do not have a separate holding tank, then place the coral in a good circulation area, maintain regular lighting schedule and do 10% water change for 10 days straight. HTH!
Yes, if the infected tissue lands on this one. This is why I ask yuo not to use strong current in yuor tank to blown off the infected tissue, use an airline tubing to suck them off instead.
Yes, however, not all coral diseases are subject to freshwater dip, but for brown jelly, freshwater dip has been proven effective and has been used widely in the States. As stated in my prior response, the osmotic shock from the freshwater dip will effectively killed the protozoan and bacteria. The key to this is that to make sure the temperture of the freshwater is the same as your display tank and do not dip the sick coral for more than one minute.
Since nobody can keep the Goniopora in the tank more than one year, we dont have to exhaust ourselves by trying to cure their disease. It is terrible to change 10% sea water daily.
I think the bottomline is are we responsible for the life we decide to purchase on impulse? 10% water change for 10 days straight has also been proven to have less impact on the establishment of our ecosystems and effectively eridcate some of the downturns in our tanks. Assuming Vincent purchased this Gonipora healthy and the culprit of the brown jelly is in his tank?? This water change can assist Vincent re-establish a stable environment as well. If you see the picture posted by Vinecent, I think his organic waste is quiet high, I even suspect if his tank is fully cycled.
FWIW, I think it is up to Vincent to decide if he is willing to take on the task of saving the coral he purchased. He asked for help and I attend to his reuqest. That is all.