
專業魚缸搬運、移缸服務 冷水機安裝/清洗/維修
我這缸營養鹽低到一些菇都快變成透明的了... Orz



"Using po4 remover to process your water before adding it to you system is fine.

The main reason for not using po4 absorbers in your system with Zeovit is it will interfere with establishing the biology of the Zeo system. The Zeo system is able to process po4 effectively once established."

"The main problem is the system is changing the environment significant, eliminating different kind of nutrients. A PO4 absorber will only reduce PO4, just one of the different kind of nutrients being available for the corals. It seems this causes the problem which was observed many times in different tanks running the system. It looks like corals do not tolerate quick PO4 changes (for example if the absorber is replaced with fresh material) if the “general” nutrient situation is well balanced. Corals mostly loose tissue, starting from the tips, which is caused by the light, but this also depends to the quantity of PO4 absorber which is used. However, sooner or later it will cause problems and I would not recommend to use a PO4 absorber with the system.



"Using po4 remover to process your water before adding it to you system is fine.

The main reason for not using po4 absorbers in your system with Zeovit is it will interfere with establishing the biology of the Zeo system. The Zeo system is able to process po4 effectively once established."

"The main problem is the system is changing the environment significant, eliminating different kind of nutrients. A PO4 absorber will only reduce PO4, just one of the different kind of nutrients being available for the corals. It seems this causes the problem which was observed many times in different tanks running the system. It looks like corals do not tolerate quick PO4 changes (for example if the absorber is replaced with fresh material) if the “general” nutrient situation is well balanced. Corals mostly loose tissue, starting from the tips, which is caused by the light, but this also depends to the quantity of PO4 absorber which is used. However, sooner or later it will cause problems and I would not recommend to use a PO4 absorber with the system.



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