有 Apex 的請照過來...

小陳 0937-575332 LINE:aryon123
我只有拿來做 skimmer cup 液位高度, 最近有想用來搞ㄧ個 Apex 專屬的 "oh shit" button, 但也只是說說而已...:em01::em01::em01:

只要所有電源的源頭都來自APEX 的 Energy Bar, 感覺這工程應該不大呀.
買個帥氣的緊急開關接上 Input switch 就搞定啦!


蛋白滿水偵測, 只是提醒要到髒水, 還是能自動化抽掉髒水然後補海水?
[FONT="仿宋体"] To Be or Not To be ...

They both work pretty well with Apex ...

Just as BC Adam said, “ Hats off to smart people, who invent usefully gizmos! Keep up the good work!”.....(on his first post)


1. KH Guardian




2. Alkatronic




In my mind, the first one is smart and “with out of box thinking” people. The 2nd one just a “me too”. Regarding the 3rd, and 4th one, we just keep them in game for fun. ...:em01::em01::em01:

身為使用者,我當然高興有很多選擇。但説他們是同樣的smart people, 就很有意見了。第一個做到的,才是那個有out of box thinking的,其他都是在其後受到鼓舞的"原來這玩意兒可以做的到呀!我也來試試",尤其當又看不到走不一樣的路。唯一Apex 口氣大了點(一次要把KH, Ca, Mg全搞定),但目前嘛⋯不過就落得那麼一個"口氣大"。
In my mind, the first one is smart and “with out of box thinking” people. The 2nd one just a “me too”. Regarding the 3rd, and 4th one, we just keep them in game for fun. ...:em01::em01::em01:

比較想聽聽魚友對CoR15, CoR20的使用心得⋯



我覺得這樣使用Apex Fusion, 有至少2.5個ㄧ般人很容易忽略的使用習慣,在這分享討論...

1. 雜亂的放置, 在突發狀況下易不知所措.......Apex 給使用者絕對的自由放置各個控制閥在版面任何地方...我會建議設計在ㄧ般狀態是”off” 的控制閥放在同一欄, “auto”在另ㄧ欄,而”on”又另ㄧ欄.這樣在維護或其他原因做狀態改變,之後可以輕易察覺有無恢復到ㄧ般狀態的正確值. 也更輕易察覺有無誤觸而改變了狀態......身為控制控的我, 看了不蘇胡 … 呵呵
2. 雜亂的命名邏輯...有的命名將port number 放前, 有的放後面...問題不大, 但身為programmer的我, 看了礙眼...哈哈
3. 這算半個...就是竟然沒有Alk 的 log….

Jim Welsh 的KH monitor 約我們森哥產品兩到三年前的規模而已....明顯尚未考慮到 longevity test 後失效狀態..:em01::em01::em01:

三個 "me too".....更顯森哥好威


In my mind, the first one is smart and “with out of box thinking” people. The 2nd one just a “me too”. Regarding the 3rd, and 4th one, we just keep them in game for fun. ...:em01::em01::em01:

Hahaha..., it’s so funny!

What you mean “me too”? ...2nd, 3rd, and 4th one...

Because it has the same function does mean it’s a “me too”?

If this were the case, wouldn’t everything that has the same type of function be a “me too”?

Same function with different products just like all skimmers, pumps, LEDs and so on...

Acid titration is the basic standard to use. It is how to use it, implement the algorithms and

other features and also obtain the accuracy which differs from different brands. It’s up to

customers to choose based on that information.

Taking longer in development doesn’t mean it is better, it could probably be that there are

some glitches that took more time to solve. The most important thing is to show best

results that aquarists can replicate in their own hands.

It should be of every hobbyist interests that good product hit the market. More products on

the market means more competition and lower price for the end users.

Just as I said before ,”Competition leads to progress and innovation ”

Please don’t be so negative and show your respect on the thread.

Hahaha..., it’s so funny!

What you mean “me too”? ...2nd, 3rd, and 4th one...

Because it has the same function does mean it’s a “me too”?

If this were the case, wouldn’t everything that has the same type of function be a “me too”?

Same function with different products just like all skimmers, pumps, LEDs and so on...

Acid titration is the basic standard to use. It is how to use it, implement the algorithms and

other features and also obtain the accuracy which differs from different brands. It’s up to

customers to choose based on that information.

Taking longer in development doesn’t mean it is better, it could probably be that there are

some glitches that took more time to solve. The most important thing is to show best

results that aquarists can replicate in their own hands.

It should be of every hobbyist interests that good product hit the market. More products on

the market means more competition and lower price for the end users.

Just as I said before ,”Competition leads to progress and innovation ”

Please don’t be so negative and show your respect on the thread.


You are welcome to speak freely about a product as a consumer, and so do I. I said they are “me too” and so be it. You don’t have to agree with me. You are more than welcome to respect all equally which that is your choose, but I like to put most to the first one!!!

Saying that, I also put great respect to stability and quality, which maybe the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th one can win final game, but that is totally different story and view point.

This is a forum!!! You are welcome to make your point, while I made mine.
I don't know what kind of respect you want? Agree everything you post here and just applaud and that will be accepted by you as "don't be so negative"? I don't think that is a forum for, and I think I contribute specifically in this thread not much less than you are, if not any more than you ;-)
If I break any rule here, please talk to admin, he will then talk to me.

P.S. You are absolutely right, when the 2nd, 3rd, 4th products have same functions, yes, I call them "me too", so does many hi-tech company war room discussion use that exactly same term at very similar situation. Why that is funny!?
There are sure some cases the 2nd, or even 10th place become final winner, which I have no problem with that!!!

Respect the first one most and call others "me too" has nothing against "keep them in competition". My dear.
1. 雜亂的放置, 在突發狀況下易不知所措.......Apex 給使用者絕對的自由放置各個控制閥在版面任何地方...我會建議設計在ㄧ般狀態是”off” 的控制閥放在同一欄, “auto”在另ㄧ欄,而”on”又另ㄧ欄.這樣在維護或其他原因做狀態改變,之後可以輕易察覺有無恢復到ㄧ般狀態的正確值. 也更輕易察覺有無誤觸而改變了狀態......身為控制控的我, 看了不蘇胡 …
建議……一般狀態應該是off 的,建議直接改程式set off,然後到主頁將她切換為auto 。


這樣,有哪個不小心沒去調成auto, 很容易就能發現
建議……一般狀態應該是off 的,建議直接改程式set off,然後到主頁將她切換為auto 。


這樣,有哪個不小心沒去調成auto, 很容易就能發現


而我是擺off 的,仍有用程式加了 set off 及 fallback off, 然候還是擺 off..:em02:這有ㄧ個好處,擺off 的,通常比較是能犧牲拿出來做其他用途...所以我要先歸類...
創新, 每天都在...沒時間跟在人家後面走

Apex DoS 可以算容器內減少量,但沒到drop counter 的地步,也無法告知是滴進了缸子,還是某段阻塞,全灑在地板上..以下是drop counter PoC...直接偵測最接近水面那最後 3 cm的路


Apex AFS 可以定時給料,但不會告訴你飼料用盡...以下是AFS Gaudian...偵測AFS重量變化,簡訊告知飼料口卡住, 飼料剩10% 及 0%

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