大部分的power user都仍在使用classic Apex, Trident沒有支援舊機型會讓很多power user 失望.
已經一堆人如河馬大在念了,希望Apex 能想出方法...
我相信這還是和CPU power 有點關係,但真的期待Apex 審慎評估並解決
目前的科技知識,要測量水體裡的KH, .CA MG只有用滴定法以及比色法是可靠的
他們必須如此,如果你有拆開看過APEX 主機,你會發現,他們的CPU以及運算放大器是如何的低階,根本無法承擔高階運算或是更多的功能加入
Terence 在REEEF2REEF“Trident FAQ”有詳細說明如下...
How does it work?
The Trident basically automates the proven method that you (and scientists) already know
and use - Titration. Since the Trident uses micro-drops delivered via a stepper-motor driven
peristaltic pump along with an electric eye, we have taken the human element out of the
Why won't the Trident work with the previous Apex models like the Apex Classic?
With the advancement of technology, many times the resources available in prior systems is
just not adequate for new devices. We see that with iPhones, gaming consoles, TVs, and
many other devices in our lives. There are two key reasons why the Trident will not work with
the Apex Classic.
1. Every Apex system must contain the working software for all the devices in the ecosystem.
More complicated devices like the Energy Bar 832 and the Trident take up a great deal of
code space. More than that is available on the previous Apex models.
2. The Energy Bar 832 and the Trident require more computational horsepower to operate
than what is available in the now 10-year-old-designed Apex Classic hardware.
Will the new Apex Base Unit be available separately?
At this point our demand for complete Apex Systems is so great that we cannot shift the
supply to selling the Apex Base Units on their own.
This may happen down the road, but
customers should realize that the value in getting a complete new Apex System will always
be greater than buying the components individually. The new Apex System also comes with
the advanced Energy Bar 832 and a set of our new double-junction probes that many
customers might need to replace anyways. And remember, the new Apex is backward
compatible with all of your existing Neptune Systems products.
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