因為KZ文件以前就是用start2, food7, bak開缸的,我自己也都是用food7開缸
因為KZ文件以前就是用start2, food7, bak開缸的,我自己也都是用food7開缸
先聲明, 我沒用沸石, 沒那個需要
但我總以為, 因為是吸氨型的沸石, 有接觸到沸石的水流, 從最源頭下手, 目的是將N交換, 因此NO3, 痾, 連NO2都沒有產生, 自然沒有NO3.
但因為不是100%的水都流過沸石, 因此沸石只算是個輔助工具
聽說, 聽說啦, (還是那句話, 我自己沒在用沸石), 因為離子交換總是有耗盡的一天, 因此才需要每N週就要置換掉一批沸石.
雖說只要是固體表面菌種就會巴上去, 但若沸石的目的是培養厭氧菌, 那麼買陶瓷環不就好了, 便宜多了, 要不然, 同體積的活性碳, 可能有更多的表面積, 更便宜. 畢竟, 沸石以體積來說, 相比陶瓷環, 珊瑚骨之流, 還是高單價得多了
有一位自稱我學弟的找到了 ..
"You should connect the ZEOvit® filter pump to an automatic timer if you have a high nutrient load or during the starting phase of the system. The pump should be switched on and off at an interval of 3 hours (3 hours on, 3 hours off, 3 hours on, 3 hours off, etc.) leading to an alternating environment of aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Every switch leads to an increased aspiration of PO4 by the microorganisms/bacteria residing in the material. This is not absolutely necessary in stable and very nutrient poor tanks."....
使用者經驗中我還沒看過除了系統轉換戌功後還用3 hrs on/off....我想不出如果已轉換成功...為何要再用3 hrs on/off...除非是不懂每次僅換2/3沸石而搞砸了原來穩定的系統
有一位自稱我學弟的找到了 ..
"You should connect the ZEOvit® filter pump to an automatic timer if you have a high nutrient load or during the starting phase of the system. The pump should be switched on and off at an interval of 3 hours (3 hours on, 3 hours off, 3 hours on, 3 hours off, etc.) leading to an alternating environment of aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Every switch leads to an increased aspiration of PO4 by the microorganisms/bacteria residing in the material. This is not absolutely necessary in stable and very nutrient poor tanks."....
使用者經驗中我還沒看過除了系統轉換戌功後還用3 hrs on/off....我想不出如果已轉換成功...為何要再用3 hrs on/off...除非是不懂每次僅換2/3沸石而搞砸了原來穩定的系統