[公告]針狀葉片團購事宜注意事項 (5/22 Update)

小陳 0937-575332 LINE:aryon123
茲轉錄信件內容 :
From: "Custom Aquatic" <info@customaquatic.com>
To: "Jeffrey Chiang" <jeffrey.chiang@msa.hinet.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 11:52 PM
Subject: custom aquatic
We have yet to receive our order from Aqua Medic. We should be receiving
the order of 30 either tomorrow or on Wednesday. Once we receive this we
can ship out the first part of the order. When we receive these, I will
e-mail you and let you know how many they shipped us.
因原廠備料不足 , 故此次團購拖了滿久的 . 先跟大家說聲抱歉摟 , 待到貨時再跟大家報告 .
謝謝傑夫的辛苦無我. ^_^
Jeff, 感謝你的熱心
如果要兩批, 我可以等第二批
News :
We have received our last shipment from Aqua Medic and did not receive them
today. I will call them to see when they are coming in. Once I get the
status, I will e-mail you back.
也就是他們也沒收到AB 的針狀葉片摟 . 故...我們也還無法收到...
轉眼間, 已經過了三個月囉~~~ 真是辛苦Jeff兄.
熱呼呼的歐 , 剛剛才寄到的... 我也因為這件事跟他們mail 及電話吵了幾次...^ ^
The needle wheels are still on order. I have just called Aqua Medic and
they have told me the same that they are still on order. Trust me, as soon
as I hear anything I will let you know. The PO is still valid.
Brume 兄 , AB 根本還沒有送到美國啦...
我寫信去問是說訂單已經三個月的 , 到底是有效的訂單嗎 ? 如果無效的話 , 我就要採取行動了 . 1/7 發的信 .
採取行動...@.@||| 好兇
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